Wednesday, 11 April 2012

GegaranDUNIA Kuat Mengoncang Bangunan di Bandar Raya Mexico

God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness). (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Quran 30:41)

(11 April 2012) 8.7M Earthquake Hits Banda Aceh Sumatra

MEXICO CITY 12 April 2012 (AP) - Satu gempa bumi kuat melanda kawasan yang tidak ramai penduduknya di pergunungan barat Mexico pada hari Rabu, dan menyebabkan bangunan tinggi bergoyang lebih daripada 200 batu jauhnya di Mexico City. Orang dipindahkan beberapa bangunan di ibu negara, tetapi kerajaan bandar berkata terdapat tiada mangsa atau tanda-tanda kerosakan yang besar.

Pihak berkuasa di negeri Michoacan, di mana gegaran yang berpusat, juga tidak mempunyai laporan kerosakan. Kajian Geologi Amerika Syarikat pada awalnya melaporkan bacaan awal sebanyak 7. 0 magnitud gempa bumi itu, tetapi kemudian diturunkan kepada 6. 5.

Satu gempa bumi magnitud yang mampu menghasilkan kerosakan teruk di kawasan bandar, tetapi ini berlaku kira-kira 41 batu (65. 6 kilometer) di bawah permukaan dan kuasa gegaran menyebabkan kerosakan sering lesap apabila ia begitu mendalam.

USGS berkata gegaran itu berpusat di negeri Michoacan 238 batu (384 kilometer) barat-barat daya Mexico City dan 88 batu (143 kilometer) barat laut resort Pasifik Zihuantanejo. Manuel Ortiz Rosete, pengarah perlindungan awam negeri Michoacan, berkata tiada kerosakan telah dilaporkan di bandar-bandar utama dan masyarakat pesisir pantai negeri.

Maria Luna Garcia, seorang penduduk bandar Arteaga, berkata beliau dan anak-anaknya menjadi amat takut apabila gempa bumi itu mencecah kurang daripada 30 batu jauhnya. "Saya keluar untuk jalan-jalan dengan 3 orang anak saya, seorang daripada mereka di tangan saya, hanya untuk selamat," katanya. "Nasib baik, tiada apa yang berlaku."

Gegaran Rabu adalah yang terbaru dalam siri kuat shake melanda Mexico City sejak gempa bumi yang kuat 7, 4 magnitud melanda selatan Mexico 3 minggu lalu. Tetapi ini tidak merupakan gempa susulan itu satu, USGS geophysicist Dale Geran berkata.

"Ia adalah gempa bumi yang berbeza. Kami menyeru gempa bumi individu," kata Grant. "Ada potensi untuk gempa susulan." Gempa bumi besar pada bulan lepas telah dirasai kuat di ibu negara, dan ia rosak beratus-ratus rumah dan membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 2 orang yang berhampiran dengan sempadan antara negeri Oaxaca dan Guerrero. Mexico perkhidmatan seismologi berkata gempa yang telah diikuti oleh hampir kepada 400 gempa susulan, termasuk salah satu 6, 0 magnitud.

Permohonan gempa amaran untuk Blackberrys bahawa kerajaan Mexico City yang dikatakan minggu lalu tidak bekerja Selasa. Bandar Raya Mexico Datuk Bandar, Marcelo Ebrard berkata sistem amaran telah bekerja untuk gempa yang berpusat di 2 negeri selatan dan akan mula bekerja untuk mana-mana gegaran di Michoacan dalam beberapa hari akan datang.

USReport letupan lada-penyemburan penunjuk perasaan di Amerika Syarikat

Diterbitkan: April 12, 2012

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Kampus polis tidak sepatutnya mempunyai pelajar penunjuk perasaan lada-disembur di University of California, Davis dalam kejadian yang dijana kemarahan negara apabila video ia telah diposkan dalam talian, kata penyiasat.

Laporan yang dikeluarkan menyalahkan Rabu diberikan kepada semua peringkat pentadbiran sekolah. Imej seorang pegawai polis yang bersahaja menyembur muka penunjuk perasaan, duduk dan tidak ganas pada 18 November, 2011, menjadi titik rali untuk pergerakan menghuni di Wall Street terhadap ketaksamaan ekonomi.

Laporan yang dikenali sebagai keputusan untuk menyembur penunjuk perasaan dengan kimia mata menyengat "objektif yang tidak munasabah." Dalam satu kenyataan hari ini, Canselor, Linda Katehi berkata pentadbir sekolah akan mengkaji cadangan laporan dan membangunkan pelan "yang akan memastikan bahawa keselamatan pelajar dan hak kebebasan bersuara adalah penting."

Kampus polis lt John Pike dan pegawai-pegawai lain yang terlibat telah berkata mereka perlu menggunakan semburan lada untuk memecahkan orang-orang yang bermusuhan. Tetapi siasatan mendapati polis tidak mampu untuk melangkah ke atas penunjuk perasaan duduk dan berjalan melalui kerumunan penonton.

John Bakhit, seorang peguam untuk kesatuan pegawai polis kampus, berkata penggunaan lada semburan adalah wajar selepas penunjuk perasaan yang menderhaka perintah untuk bersurai dan tidak akan membenarkan pegawai-pegawai untuk meninggalkan sehingga penunjuk perasaan beberapa ditahan telah dibebaskan.

"Saya percaya semua pegawai-pegawai melaksanakan cukup sedikit sekatan di bawah hal keadaan," kata Bakhit. Fatima Sbeih, salah satu pelajar lada-disembur yang menyaman pentadbir dan mendakwa kekejaman polis, berkata beliau gembira dengan teliti dan terperinci laporan.

"Universiti itu telah bertindak ke atas andaian dan ketakutan bukannya berikutan dasar dan prosedur," kata Sbeih. "Pelajar mempunyai hak untuk membantah, dan universiti perlu menghormati bahawa."

WORLD Strong Tremor Shakes Buildings In Mexico City

MEXICO CITY (AP) - A strong earthquake struck a sparsely populated area in the mountains of western Mexico on Wednesday, and caused tall buildings to sway more than 200 miles away in Mexico City. People evacuated some buildings in the capital, but the city government said there were no victims or signs of major damage.

Authorities in Michoacan state, where the tremor was centered, also had no reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey initially reported a preliminary reading of 7.0 magnitude for the quake, but later downgraded it to 6.5.

A quake of that magnitude is capable of producing severe damage in an urban area, but this one occurred about 41 miles (65.6 kilometers) below the surface and a tremor's power to cause damage is often dissipated when it is so deep.

The USGS said the tremor was centered in Michoacan state 238 miles (384 kilometers) west-southwest of Mexico City and 88 miles (143 kilometers) northwest of the Pacific resort of Zihuantanejo. Manuel Ortiz Rosete, the Michoacan state civil protection director, said no damage had been reported in major cities and coastal communities of the state.

Maria Luna Garcia, a resident of the town of Arteaga, said she and her children became very scared when the quake hit less than 30 miles away. "I went out to the streets with my three children, one of them in my arms, just to be safe," she said. "Fortunately, nothing happened."

Wednesday's tremor was the latest in a series of strong shakes to hit Mexico City since a powerful 7.4-magnitude quake hit southern Mexico three weeks ago. But this was not an aftershock of that one, USGS geophysicist Dale Grant said.

"It's a different earthquake. We are calling it an individual earthquake," Grant said. "There's a potential for aftershocks." Last month's big earthquake was felt strongly in the nation's capital, and it damaged hundreds of homes and killed at least two people near the border between Guerrero and Oaxaca states. Mexico's seismological service said that quake has been followed by close to 400 aftershocks, including one of magnitude 6.0.

A quake alert application for Blackberrys that Mexico City's government touted last week did not work Tuesday. Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard said the alert system has been working for quakes centered in two southern states and will begin to work for any tremors in Michoacan in the next few days.

USReport blasts pepper-spraying Of US protesters

Published: April 12, 2012

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Campus police should not have pepper-sprayed student demonstrators at the University of California, Davis in an incident that generated national outrage when video of it was posted online, investigators said.

The report released Wednesday assigned blame to all levels of the school administration. Images of a police officer casually spraying the faces of seated, nonviolent protesters on Nov. 18, 2011, became a rallying point for the Occupy Wall Street movement against economic inequality.

The report called the decision to spray the protesters with the eye-stinging chemical "objectively unreasonable." In a statement Wednesday, Chancellor Linda Katehi said school administrators would study the report's recommendations and develop a plan "that will ensure that students' safety and free speech rights are paramount."

Campus police Lt. John Pike and other officers involved have said they needed to use pepper spray to break through a hostile crowd. But the investigation found police were able to step over the seated protesters and walk through a throng of onlookers.

John Bakhit, an attorney for the campus police officers union, said the use of pepper spray was justified after protesters disobeyed orders to disperse and wouldn't allow the officers to leave until several detained demonstrators were released.

"I believe all the officers exercised quite a bit of restraint under the circumstances," Bakhit said. Fatima Sbeih, one of the pepper-sprayed students who is suing the administrators and alleging police brutality, said she was pleased by the report's thoroughness and detail.

"The university was acting on assumption and fear rather than following policy and procedure," Sbeih said. "Students do have a right to protest, and the university needs to respect that."

WalkIN thru: עני בן לילה 'errors human Hand Disaster'

1WORLDCommunity//Category: Declaration

P.S. -- Reminder . . . 

'Poor OverNight' Can happen to AnyOne 
AnyWhere AnyTIME!!!

עני בן לילה  'errors human Hand Disaster,

Let us go through what happened in 2004 - 2011 to remember the many blessings of Allah Almighty; He is indeed the Forgiving of our sins, . . .

This Is the 12th Reminder from the earth it self by her name khadam: TheWORLD *1st Reminder  2000  *2nd Reminder 2004  *3rd Reminder 2007  *4th Reminder 2009  *5th Reminder 1/March/today November 2011.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

DECLARATION: To Peoples Of the Whole WORLD

To Peoples Of the Whole WORLD: The only solution I've have found at the 21st Century (The treasures of the earth key or key of earth) This system CAPABLE to control human (No One left) for 6 billion people even more.

No other technology in the WORLD can cover each individual for 6 billion people even more. This technology is the New Model 1WORLD Economic Development of the 21st Century DESTINY.

To make this happening I swear to God, I responsible to do this responsibility to all people in the WORLD without fail. What I wants to make this happening: I'm Asking All peoples of the WORLD to focus Right key:

KEY OF THIS CENTURY: Al-Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu Anhu (peace be on him). Prophet Said (peace and blessings of God be on him). "By God that Grips My SOUL. No longer JESUS, SON Of MARYAM Will COME DOWN to you As a FAIR JUDGE. He Will BREAK CROSSES, Kill SWINE, AND ABOLISH the TAX (Cancel The TAX) And (THEN) ABUNDANT WEALTH, So NO ONE is Willing to RECEIVE ZAKAT (The Time NO ONE Eligible To Receive Zakat) & Bow Down To One (value) Is Better than his Whole WORLD.

Again God Almighty says: ‘And there is none of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), but must believe in him ('Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), as only a Messenger of Allah and a human being), before his ('Isa (Jesus) or a Jew's or a Christian's) death (at the time of the appearance of the angel of death). And on the Day of Resurrection, he ('Isa (Jesus) will be a witness against them. (Kemudian Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu Anhu berkata jika kamu mahu, bacalah huru-hara Kiamat, Firman Allah Taala: ‘Dan tidak ada seorang pun dari kalangan ahli Kitab (Yahudi dan Nasaro) melainkan ia akan beriman kepada Nabi Isa sebelum matinya dan pada hari kiamat kelak Nabi Isa akan menjadi saksi terhadap mereka’. (An-Nisa: verse 159)

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: We don't have a Choice, this is a Technology of Awalin (Awal/Akhir) (We must ready for the coming of messiah/Son of Mary/Isa Ibnu Maryam: As a just Judge: ABOLISH the TAX (Memansuhkan cukai) . . .  (*mean Everyone In the WORLD will be a Millionaire): (THE PERSONAL EARTH (It’s self) Technology End Of TheWORLD)

This Technology Can Be Transfer: Our responsible for this responsibility to transfer this technology to over the WORLD. mean Ready for it, So we work it together to make the GOLDMINE 21st Century DESTINY happening.

For your Informations:  Almighty Said, 'Everything there is an appointed term and you will come to know' (QS, Surah 6 'Al-An'am: verse 67)




We must move to another Destiny to produce. We have to understand, when we plant a tree on the new fresh soil, the reality maximum result will produce! (The system of Awalin: Abolish theTAX & Everyone In The Whole WORLD will be Millionaire!)

REMEMBER: If We Not Aware, the WORLD Getting Worst . .

O' Peoples Of the WORLD khadam by the name: theWORLD, Now ARE SICK: This is not because of typhoon nargis or this is not because of burning forest or this is not because of flood happening in your country, this is not because of Global Economic Crisis not because swine flu or this is not because of typhoon ketsana and tsunami@Aceh (2004), Samoa Island, earthquake @Haiti! (2010), anyway not because of the critical illness, but It's because of us delay postpone, not aware, don’t care about the good thing comes up to us.

REMEMBER: TheWelfare (Welfare Government @Welfare System) the only Medicine for all Sickness, all the bad thing, all the bad matter, critical economic, problem, trouble & disaster. (My msg *since 2000, 2004, 2007, 2009, 1, March, October, 2011)  Why Don’t We Focus It And Taking Immediate Action!!!

 O'Peoples Of theWhole WORLD: You're haven't seen - What I have seen. This technology give everything and maximum power to control the WORLD. I had found the Key and I'm the Key. Impossible for you out there to do without me, must work right way - together with the owner & the founder. You don’t know, what I know. Do not do wrong-doers to your ownselves (believe me it’s about AbolishTax Destiny: The Coming Of Messiah CalifahAllah And JESUS Son Of Mary) THIS IS THE REAL DESTINY !


Hebrew King: Hamden bolly Enn
AsSalam My late Mother: Maimunah Midian



3PIECE OF PAPER                                                                           

Posted by Hebrew King: Hamden bolly “To my peoples of Hebrew:
ln My Dream, l' Was told”

Reading My own Destiny from 3 pieces of pages from the book was written . . .

Paper 1 in Writting: Telling about Hebrew KING by the name: Hamden bolly

Paper 2 in Writting: Telling about what I've bring my to the peoples “the GOLDMINE or Earth key or Earth Treasure 1WORLD”

Paper 3 in Writting: Telling about I'm * leading having foods with (my peoples) many mens in many of groups in side Masjidil'Aqsa.

* My People are waiting for me to start eating foods and I'm so glad. I'm so satisfied And I'm so happy. (And I saw them in many group eating together with me)

Waallahua'lam (God Knows).


Hebrew King: Hamden bolly

Our Responsibility @GOLDMINE 1WORLD Community Should Render Back the trusts to those to Whom they Due: (@18 Group Of people) Poor People, Orphan, Single Mother, Single Father, Student, Low In Come, Jobless, Disable, Patient, Old Citizen, Prisoner, Bankruptcy, FARMER, Fishermen, RICH People, All RACES, All Country And All Government In theWhole WORLD. theWORLD for free! New WORLD Principle:  ASSETProperty "It's NOT For SALE, It's Not For Bought, It's FREE!:  *Free House *Free Car * Free Education: College, University. *Free ELETRICAL GOODs: Air Con, PC Laptops, Home Theatre. *Free FURNITURE: Sofa Set, Bed Set, Sauna Bath, Kitchen Cabinet, Dining Table. *Free Vacation: Travelling Around the WORLD, Holiday, HAJ, UMRAH, NOW EveryONE CAN Fly, Hotels. *Free Life Insurance: (Free Hospital Fund, Free Funeral Fund, Free Death Fund, Free Pension Fund).

SOLUTION: *Poverty Killer *Recession Killer  *Global Peace 
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