Saturday, 24 September 2011

Heavy Security In Bahrain For Parliament Elections

REMEMBER: God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness). (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Quran 30:41)

Keselamatan berat di Bahrain bagi Pilihan Raya Parlimen

September 24, 2011 - Manama, Bahrain (AP) - Bahraini polis menubuhkan pusat pemeriksaan dan patrolled jalan-jalan utama Sabtu dalam persembahan besar-besaran kekerasan semasa pilihan raya parlimen yang dikenakan bahawa kumpulan-kumpulan pembangkang Syiah yang dipimpin telah berikrar untuk memboikot.

Keselamatan yang paling berat adalah di sekitar Pearl Square di Manama modal, yang pernah menjadi hab bagi penunjuk perasaan Syiah menuntut hak yang lebih besar daripada monarki yang memerintah Sunny. Kawasan itu dikelilingi kawat duri dan barisan kenderaan polis perisai di tengah-tengah panggilan oleh puak anti-kerajaan cuba untuk menuntut semula kawalan tapak.

Pilihan raya khas telah dipanggil untuk mengisi 18 kerusi parlimen yang ditinggalkan oleh penggubal undang-undang Syiah untuk membantah crackdowns keras sejak bulan Februari di negara yang strategik, yang merupakan rumah kepada Armada Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat 5.

Lebih daripada 30 orang telah meninggal dunia di kekacauan dan beratus-ratus telah ditangkap, termasuk aktivis yang dihukum penjara seumur hidup selepas didakwa dengan merancang untuk menumbangkan sistem pemerintah. Utama puak Syiah telah berikrar untuk mencercai mengundi dalam mesej mengingkari. Pada hari Jumaat, yang bertaburan pertempuran meletus di kawasan-kawasan terutamanya Syiah dan ulama paling kanan di Bahrain Syiah, Sheik Isa Qassim, mengecam kerajaan sebagai mengetuai "demokrasi palsu."

"Ia merupakan tanggungjawab saya untuk mengundi dan menunjukkan saya mempunyai perpaduan dengan pemimpin Bahrain," kata Samira, Sunni berusia 32 tahun, yang hanya memberi pertama kerana takut diganggu selepas dia mengundi di Sanabis. Beberapa blok jauhnya, sekumpulan anak-anak muda Syiah sedang duduk di depan depan kedai ditutup, jalan-jalan yang bersepah dengan sampah, batu dan kanister gas pemedih mata, menembak oleh pihak polis malam sebelum untuk menyuraikan kumpulan penunjuk perasaan anti-kerajaan. Mereka berkata mereka memboikot pengundian.

"Ini adalah pilihan raya yang palsu. Ia adalah tidak berguna," kata seorang lelaki di kalangan kumpulan itu, yang hanya memberi nama pertama, Ali, takut tindak balas oleh pihak berkuasa. "Kami tidak mempunyai apa-apa kepentingan dalam sistem politik apa-apa lagi selepas pembunuhan ini dalam beberapa bulan terakhir."

Syiah adalah majoriti di Bahrain, tetapi mendakwa mereka menghadapi diskriminasi yang meluas dan disekat dari jawatan peringkat tinggi ketenteraan atau politik. Antara tuntutan sistem gaya Eropah bagi kerajaan yang dipilih, termasuk Perdana Menteri.

Lebih daripada 30 orang telah terbunuh sejak protes Syiah yang dipimpin, yang diilhamkan oleh kebangkitan Arab, bermula pada bulan Februari. Parlimen Bahrain mempunyai kuasa langsung yang sedikit, tetapi ia membawa perlambangan penting sebagai sebahagian reformasi politik yang terhad bermula kira-kira satu dekad yang lalu. Boikot yang dijangka adalah hampir pasti meninggalkan parlimen benar-benar di tangan pro-kerajaan dan meningkatkan lagi perpecahan di negara ini. 4 calon telah diisytiharkan pemenang oleh berjalan tanpa bertanding atau selepas saingan tercicir.

Sementara itu, pemimpin-pemimpin Bahrain kehilangan sokongan dari jiran Teluk berkuasa yang takut kepada mana-mana retak di kalangan raja-raja yang memerintah dan sheiks di rantau ini. Satu pasukan Teluk, yang diketuai oleh Arab Saudi, telah dihantar ke Bahrain pada bulan Mac untuk membantu naikkan dinasti Sunni berusia 200 tahun.

Tetapi bantahan di seluruh rantau ini tanamkan beberapa langkah-langkah kecil ke arah keterbukaan yang lebih politik. Emiriah Arab Bersatu juga mengadakan pilihan raya hari Sabtu bagi tempat duduk di majlis penasihat kebangsaan, yang tidak mempunyai kuasa undang-undang tetapi adalah digalakkan oleh pegawai UAE sebagai sebahagian daripada melebarkan "eksperimen" membenarkan suara yang lebih besar orang ramai dalam hal ehwal. Pilihan raya UAE akan diputuskan oleh kira-kira 129,000 pengundi yang dipilih tangan.

Akhir bulan ini, Arab Saudi merancang untuk mengadakan pilihan raya perbandaran selepas kelewatan hampir 2 tahun. Wanita, bagaimanapun, akan masih dihalang daripada menyertai atau mengundi.

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Heavy Security In Bahrain For Parliament Elections

September 24, 2011 - MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) - Bahraini police set up checkpoints and patrolled key roads Saturday in a massive show of force during highly charged parliamentary elections that Shiite-led opposition groups have vowed to boycott.
The heaviest security was around Pearl Square in the capital Manama, which was once the hub for Shiite protesters demanding greater rights from the ruling Sunny monarchy. The area was ringed by barb wire and lines of armored police vehicles amid calls by anti-government factions to try to reclaim control of the site.

The special elections were called to fill 18 parliament seats abandoned by Shiite lawmakers to protest the harsh crackdowns since February in the strategic nation, which is home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet.
More than 30 people have died in the unrest and hundreds have been arrested, including activists sentenced to life in prison after being charged with plotting to overthrow the ruling system. Main Shiite factions have vowed to snub the voting in a message of defiance. On Friday, scattered clashes broke out in mainly Shiite areas and Bahrain's most senior Shiite cleric, Sheik Isa Qassim, denounced the government as leading a "fake democracy."

The voting in predominantly Shiite areas of the tiny Gulf island appeared light Saturday. At one polling station in the Manama neighborhood of Sanabis that was the scene of a wave of clashes Friday, only 30 ballots have been cast in the first four hours of voting.
A polling station in Hamid Town, a mixed Sunni-Shiite neighborhood of the capital, was noticeably busier with a steady stream of people heading to vote. By noon Saturday, hundreds had cast their ballots, election officials at the polling station said. Voting started at 8:00 a.m. local time.

"It was my duty to vote and show I have solidarity with the leaders of Bahrain," said Samira, a 32-year-old Sunni, who only gave her first for fear of being harassed after she voted in Sanabis. A few blocks away, a group of young Shiite men were sitting in front of closed store front, streets littered with trash, rocks and tear gas canisters, fired by police the night before to disperse groups of anti-government protesters. They said they were boycotting the balloting.
"This is a fake election. It's useless," said one man among the group, who only gave his first name, Ali, fearing retaliation by the authorities. "We don't have any stake in the political system any more after these killings in the past months."

Shiites are the majority in Bahrain, but claim they face widespread discrimination and are blocked from high-level military or political posts. Among the demands is a European-style system for an elected government, including the prime minister.
More than 30 people have been killed since Shiite-led protests, inspired by Arab uprisings, started in February. Bahrain's parliament has little direct powers, but it carries important symbolism as part of limited political reforms started about a decade ago. The expected boycott is almost certain to leave the parliament totally in pro-government hands and deepen the country's rifts. Four of the candidates have already been declared winners by running unopposed or after rivals dropped out.
Bahrain's leaders, meanwhile, have backing from powerful Gulf neighbors that fear any cracks among the region's ruling kings and sheiks. A Gulf force, led by Saudi Arabia, was dispatched to Bahrain in March to help prop up the 200-year-old Sunni dynasty.
But the protests across the region have stirred some small steps toward more political openness. The United Arab Emirates also holds elections Saturday for seats on a national advisory council, which has no legislative powers but is promoted by Emirati officials as part of a widening "experiment" in allowing a greater public voice in affairs. The UAE's elections will be decided by about 129,000 hand-picked voters.
Later this month, Saudi Arabia plans to hold municipal elections after a nearly two-year delay. Woman, however, will be still barred from participating or voting.

Hold My hand -  1WORLD Community Sharing

WalkIN thru: עני בן לילה 'errors human Hand Disaster'


REMEMBER God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: 'Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness)'. (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Quran, Surah 30 'Ar-Rum: Ayat 41)

ManasyeCall 1WORLD
1WORLDCommunity//Category: Declaration

P.S. -- Reminder . . . 

'Poor OverNight' Can happen to AnyOne 
AnyWhere AnyTIME!!!

עני בן לילה  'errors human Hand Disaster,

Let us go through what happened in 2004 - 2011 to remember the many blessings of Allah Almighty; He is indeed the Forgiving of our sins, . . .

This Is the 11th Reminder from the earth it self by her name khadam: TheWORLD *1st Reminder  2000  *2nd Reminder 2004  *3rd Reminder 2007  *4th Reminder 2009  *5th Reminder 1/March/today September 2011

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

DECLARATION: To Peoples Of the Whole WORLD

To Peoples Of the Whole WORLD: The only solution I've have found at the 21st Century (The treasures of the earth key or key of earth) that never find out or never touch by Jiins and Human (Mankind) since earth was created. This system CAPABLE to control human (No One left) for 6 billion people even more.

No other technology in the WORLD can cover each individual for 6 billion people even more. This technology is the New Model 1WORLD Economic Development of the 21st Century DESTINY.

To make this happening I swear to God, I responsible to do this responsibility to all people in the WORLD without fail. What I wants to make this happening: I'm Asking All peoples of the WORLD to focus Right key:

KEY OF THIS CENTURY: Al-Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu Anhu. Prophet Said (peace be on him). "By God that Grips My SOUL. No longer JESUS, SON Of MARYAM Will COME DOWN to you As a FAIR JUDGE. He Will BREAK CROSSES, Kill SWINE, AND ABOLISH the TAX (Cancel The TAX) And (THEN) ABUNDANT WEALTH, So NO ONE is Willing to RECEIVE ZAKAT (The Time NO ONE Eligible To Receive Zakat) & Bow Down To One (value) Is Better than his Whole WORLD.

Again God Almighty says, ‘And there is none of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), but must believe in him ('Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), as only a Messenger of Allah and a human being), before his ('Isa (Jesus) or a Jew's or a Christian's) death (at the time of the appearance of the angel of death). And on the Day of Resurrection, he ('Isa (Jesus) will be a witness against them. (Kemudian Abu Hurairah berkata jika kamu mahu, bacalah huru-hara Kiamat, Firman Allah Taala: ‘Dan tidak ada seorang pun dari kalangan ahli Kitab (Yahudi dan Nasaro) melainkan ia akan beriman kepada Nabi Isa sebelum matinya dan pada hari kiamat kelak Nabi Isa akan menjadi saksi terhadap mereka’. (Surah 4 ‘An-Nisa: Ayat 159)

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: We don't have a Choice, this is a Technology of Awalin (Awal/Akhir) (We must ready for the coming of messiah/Son of Mary/Isa Ibnu Maryam: As a just Judge: ABOLISH the TAX (Memansuhkan cukai) . . .  (*mean Everyone In the WORLD will be a Millionaire): (THE PERSONAL EARTH (It’s self) Technology End Of TheWORLD)

This technology can be transfer: Our responsible for this responsibility to transfer this technology to over the WORLD. mean Ready for it, So we work it together to make the GOLDMINE 21st Century DESTINY happening.

For your Informations:  Almighty Said, 'Everything there is an appointed term and you will come to know' (QS, Surah 6 'Al-An'am: verse 67)

O' People, The Market, the System, the Economic are Dead, Cannot produce how hard you do it. It’s over, don’t waste your TIME! I give you an example maturity: Like Ourself We Born then We Die when old age, so same things with the System, the Market, the Business, the Economic, theWORLD Old Enough and Time’s Up! . . .


We must move to another Destiny to produce. We have to understand, when we plant a tree on the new fresh soil, the reality maximum result will produce! (The system of Awalin: Abolish theTAX & Everyone In The Whole WORLD will be Millionaire”)

REMEMBER: If We Not Aware, the WORLD Getting Worst . .

O' Peoples Of the WORLD khadam by the name: theWORLD, Now ARE SICK: This is not because of typhoon nargis or this is not because of burning forest or this is not because of flood happening in your country, this is not because of Global Economic Crisis not because swine flu or this is not because of typhoon ketsana and tsunami@Aceh (2004), Samoa Island, earthquake @Haiti! (2010), anyway not because of the critical illness, but It's because of us delay postpone, not aware, don’t care about the good thing comes up to us.

REMEMBER: TheWelfare (Welfare Government @Welfare System) the only Medicine for all Sickness, all the bad thing, all the bad matter, critical economic, problem, trouble & disaster. (My msg *since 2000, 2004, 2007, 2009, 1, March, October, 2011)  Why Don’t We Focus It And Taking Immediate Action!!!

 O'Peoples Of theWhole WORLD: You're haven't seen - What I have seen.

This technology give everything and maximum power to control the WORLD. I had found the Key and I'm the Key. Impossible for you out there to do without me, must work right way - together with the owner & the founder. You don’t know, what I know. Do not do wrong-doers to your ownselves (believe me it’s about AbolishTax Destiny: The Coming Of Messiah CalifahAllah And JESUS Son Of Mary) THIS IS THE REAL DESTINY !


Hebrew King: Hamden bolly Enn . . .



3PIECE OF PAPER                                                                           

Posted by Hebrew King: Hamden bolly “To my peoples of Hebrew:
ln My Dream, l' Was told”

Reading My own Destiny from 3 pieces of pages from the book was written . . .

Paper 1 in Writting: Telling about Hebrew KING by the name: Hamden bolly

Paper 2 in Writting: Telling about what I've bring my to the peoples “the GOLDMINE or Earth key or Earth Treasure 1WORLD”

Paper 3 in Writting: Telling about I'm * leading having foods with (my peoples) many mens in many of groups in side Masjidil'Aqsa.

* My People are waiting for me to start eating foods and I'm so glad. I'm so satisfied And I'm so happy. (And I saw them in many group eating together with me)

Waallahua'lam (God Knows).


Hebrew King: Hamden bolly

Our Responsibility @GOLDMINE 1WORLD Community Should Render Back the trusts to those to Whom they Due: (@18 Group Of people) Poor People, Orphan, Single Mother, Single Father, Student, Low In Come, Jobless, Disable, Patient, Old Citizen, Prisoner, Bankruptcy, FARMER, Fishermen, RICH People, All RACES, All Country And All Government In theWhole WORLD. theWORLD for free! NewWORLDPrinciple:  ASSETProperty "It's NOT For SALE, It's Not For Bought, It's FREE!:  *Free House *Free Car * Free Education: College, University. *Free ELETRICAL GOODs: Air Con, PC Laptops, Home Theatre. *Free FURNITURE: Sofa Set, Bed Set, Sauna Bath, Kitchen Cabinet, Dining Table. *Free Vacation: Travelling Around the WORLD, Holiday, HAJ, UMRAH, NOW EveryONE CAN Fly, Hotels. *Free Life Insurance: (Free Hospital Fund, Free Funeral Fund, Free Death Fund, Free Pension Fund).

SOLUTION: *Poverty Killer *Recession Killer  *Global Peace 
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