
REMEMBER: God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness). (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Quran 30:41)
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CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
Masa Depan Facebook: Keluar dengan halaman profil, dengan Timeline
Has Facebook gone too far in reinventing the way we share?
Mempunyai Facebook pergi terlalu jauh dalam semula cara kita berkongsi?
Pengguna Facebook telah perasan beberapa perubahan yang melancarkan laman web sosial dalam beberapa hari kebelakangan ini, tetapi kemungkinan mereka tidak bersedia untuk shakeup sosial terbesar hari ini. Pada hari ini Persidangan F8 Pemaju, Mark Zuckerberg mengambil pentas (selepas mirip Andy Samberg meninggalkan) mengumumkan petak yang luas perubahan yang akan berusaha untuk mengekalkan enam tahun rangkaian sosial yang berkembang maju dan berkembang.
Yang paling utama di antara pengumuman berita bahawa halaman profil merendah diri mendapat makeover yang amat diperlukan - satu yang boleh steamroll Google + dan Twitter sama: Timeline. Mashable telah dipanggil ciri baru "risiko terbesar sejak melancarkan rangkaian sosial pada tahun 2004." Web Next panggilan kematian halaman profil "sedikit kejutan" dan nota bahawa "makeover besar-besaran hanya mungkin sedikit terlalu banyak," terutama bagi pengguna yang kurang celik teknologi.
Perubahan besar
Arah baru Facebook mempunyai sedikit keperibadian dwi. Pada dawning News Feed, Facebook perceraian update status kita ke dalam hutan. Walaupun kita sekali melawat halaman profil masing-masing untuk perdagangan mesej dan menyemak dalam terhadap teman (atau kenalan kepentingan, kebaikan atau keburukan), yang Feed Berita sejak berlaku gerhana halaman peribadi kami untuk menyambung pada rangkaian di dunia sosial terbesar. Dengan pengumuman hari ini Timeline dan yang Ticker, Facebook akan berusaha untuk menenun bersama-sama kedua-dua mod ke dalam pengalaman yang kaya, yang lebih mendalam sosial berbanding sebelum ini.
The new Ticker will keep you up to date
Pilih cerita yang anda memberitahu
Kini, bukan sahaja kita boleh berkongsi terpilih dengan kemudahan yang lebih besar berbanding sebelum ini, tetapi kita boleh memilih apa cerita yang kita ingin memberitahu. Ciri Timeline baru Facebook kelihatan segar yang suram, profil halaman berantakan kami telah melanda melalui untuk beberapa tahun yang lalu, menggantikan mereka dengan potret yang dinamik, disesuaikan sejarah kehidupan kita - seperti yang diberitahu melalui Facebook tentu. Sambil mengenang hanya howmuch maklumat Facebook telah disimpan selama bertahun-tahun akan membuktikan tidak menyenangkan bagi sesetengah orang, dengan curating pengalaman masa lampau kita sendiri (atau jejak digital mereka, sekurang-kurangnya), kita lebih baik boleh mewakili diri kita di rangkaian sosial. Timeline itu, anda boleh memilih untuk bintang peristiwa, yang akan memberikan harta yang lebih nyata pada halaman profil anda - atau anda boleh menyembunyikan sepenuhnya dengan klik butang.
Facebook's new Timeline feature will change the look of your social presence
Pada majlis hari ini, Zuckerberg menekankan kembali ke halaman profil: "Kami mahu reka bentuk tempat yang berasa seperti di rumah anda Anda melabur banyak masa dan anda pendita pembantu." Dalam semula garis masa, Facebook ketara akan mengurangkan kepada nisbah isyarat-kepada-hingar tapak, mengubah setiap halaman profil ke dalam apa yang pada dasarnya blog. Dalam erti kata Zuckerberg. Timeline akan memberikan anda "rasa bagus mendalam untuk yang orang ini benar-benar" dan bukannya berantakan membaca-aktiviti Facebook terbaru mereka.
Apps will be more prominent than ever
- Apps membantu memberitahu ceritaSampingan yang lain duit syiling adalah aplikasi luar akan mempunyai kuasa yang lebih daripada biasa. Untuk membuat "pengalaman tanpa geseran," Facebook apps akan menyiarkan untuk tempoh masa dan Tickers secara berasingan - dan secara automatik. Seperti lagu baru, anda mendengar streaming Spotify? "Like" yang akan zapped terus kepada Ticker, tetapi dalam teori Timeline wouldfeature anda ringkasan artis top anda bahawa bulan. Sebaik sahaja anda membenarkan app, ia akan pudar ke dalam latar belakang, mengumpul data peribadi anda seperti filem-filem yang anda menonton pada Netflix atau Hulu dan berapa batu anda hanya berlari dengan Nike + app.
Sudah tentu, anda boleh tidak membenarkan perkhidmatan ini secara keseluruhannya - tetapi Facebook mahu 800 juta pengguna untuk menyerahkan kunci kepada aplikasi pihak ketiga lebih rela daripada sebelumnya. (Setelah semua, yang ingin Timeline kosong?) Dari berita untuk filem dan muzik, lebih banyak aplikasi yang dipasang ke dalam laman web sosial bermaksud kurang keperluan untuk meneroka ke tempat lain. Anda boleh difikirkan menyimpan pelayar anda menunjuk di laman utama Facebook anda selama satu hari, melompat hanya untuk mengikuti jejak link yang menarik - pada hakikatnya, ramai di antara kita yang telah.
Bagaimana untuk mencari ciri-ciri baruMasyarakat Facebook tidak menerima dengan baik untuk perubahan yang kecil, dan ini tidak kecil dengan apa-apa cara. Facebookers berdedikasi sudah sampai di tentang perubahan yang berita hari ini menandakan: update status marah telah sedia mengecam Senarai Smart, butang Langgan, Ticker, dan juga tetapan privasi yang baru. Semua ini tweak tersedia sekarang untuk kebanyakan pengguna, dan apabila mereka muncul, anda perlu notis segera pop-up yang akan berjalan anda melalui perubahan. Tidak boleh mencari Ticker? Ia akan muncul di sebelah kanan mana-mana halaman Facebook, di atas kotak sembang.
Sementara banyak ciri-ciri baru kini hidup, perubahan terbesar - Timeline akan melancarkan secara beransur-ansur. Untuk menjadi yang pertama selaras, anda boleh memilih Sekarang dengan mengklik "Sign Me Up" di bahagian bawah halaman preview Timeline rasmi Facebook. Tempoh masa pertama akan disiarkan pada 29 September, dan kita boleh menjangka untuk melihat mereka muncul untuk kebanyakan pengguna selepas itu.
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The Future of Facebook: Out with profile pages, in with the Timeline
Has Facebook gone too far in reinventing the way we share?
Facebook users have noticed some changes rolling out to the social site in recent days, but odds are they aren't prepared for today's biggest social shakeup. At today's F8 Developers Conference, Mark Zuckerberg took the stage (after look-alike Andy Samberg left it) to announce a wide swath of changes that will seek to keep the six year-old social network thriving — and growing.
Foremost among the announcements is the news that the humble profile page is getting a much-needed makeover — one that could steamroll Google+ and Twitter alike: the Timeline. Mashable has called the new feature the "biggest risk since launching the social network in 2004." The Next Webcalls the death of the profile page a "bit of a shock" and notes that the "massive makeover might just be a bit too much," especially for less tech-savvy users.
Sweeping changes
Facebook's new direction has a bit of a dual personality. At the dawning of the News Feed, Facebook loosed our status updates into the wild. While we once visited each other's profile pages to trade messages and check in on friends (or acquaintances of interest, for better or worse), the News Feed has since eclipsed our personal pages when it comes to connecting on the world's biggest social network. With today's announcement of the Timeline and the Ticker, Facebook will seek to weave together these two modes into a richer, more immersive social experience than ever.
Facebook's new direction has a bit of a dual personality. At the dawning of the News Feed, Facebook loosed our status updates into the wild. While we once visited each other's profile pages to trade messages and check in on friends (or acquaintances of interest, for better or worse), the News Feed has since eclipsed our personal pages when it comes to connecting on the world's biggest social network. With today's announcement of the Timeline and the Ticker, Facebook will seek to weave together these two modes into a richer, more immersive social experience than ever.
The new Ticker will keep you up to date
The Ticker will handle the Twitter-like real-time updates, which Zuckerberg referred to as our "lightweight" social activity. Recognizing that these micro-updates (the contents of your sandwich or your Words With Friends score, for example) often clog up our profile pages, Facebook is opting to siphon them off into a kind of miniature Twitter which live in a righthand sidebar. The distinction may just seem like housecleaning, but putting these tweet-esque updates on the periphery could mean a return to Facebook's roots — but a far more refined one.
Historically, Facebook has faced criticism for its opaque and often convoluted privacy policies. It may have taken the looming threat of Google+ on its turf to light a fire under the social giant, but Facebook is handing users the reins in a big way. In a series of updates that began popping up last month, the company is moving toward a model of selective sharing: rather than mass broadcasts, you can choose who you share with — because your great aunt doesn't necessarily need to know what happened after the fifth drink at Happy Hour, does she?
Choose the story you tell
Now, not only can we share selectively with greater ease than ever, but we can choose what story we want to tell. Facebook's new Timeline feature looks to invigorate the lackluster, cluttered profile pages we've been slogging through for the past few years, replacing them with a dynamic, customizable portrait of our living histories — as told through Facebook of course. While remembering just howmuch information Facebook has stored over the years will prove unsettling to some, by curating our own past experiences (or their digital footprints, at least), we can better represent ourselves on the social network. In the Timeline, you can choose to star an event, which will give it more real estate on your profile page — or you can hide it entirely with the click of a button.
Facebook's new Timeline feature will change the look of your social presence
At today's event, Zuckerberg emphasized a return to the profile page: "We wanted to design a place that feels like your home. You invest a lot of time in it and you curate it." In reinventing the timeline, Facebook will considerably cut down on the site's signal-to-noise ratio, transforming each profile page into what is essentially a blog. In Zuckerberg's words, the Timeline will give you "a nice visceral feel for who this person really is" rather than a messy read-out of their latest Facebook activity.
Apps will be more prominent than ever
- Apps help tell the story
The other side of the coin is that external apps will have more power than ever. To create a "frictionless experience," Facebook apps will broadcast to Timelines and Tickers separately — and automatically. Like a new song you hear streaming on Spotify? That "Like" will be zapped directly to the Ticker, but in theory your Timeline wouldfeature a summary of your top artists that month. Once you authorize an app, it will fade into the background, collating your personal data like what films you watch on Netflix or Hulu and how many miles you just ran with the Nike+ app.Of course, you could disallow these services entirely — but Facebook wants its 800 million users to hand over the keys to third-party apps more willingly than ever. (After all, who wants an empty Timeline?) From news to movies and music, more apps plugged into the social site means less need to venture elsewhere. You could conceivably keep your browser pointed at your Facebook homepage for an entire day, hopping off only to follow the trail of an interesting link — in fact, many of us already do.How to find the new features
The Facebook community doesn't take kindly to changes — even minor ones, and this isn't minor by any means. Dedicated Facebookers are already in an uproar about the changes that heralded today's news: annoyed status updates have readily denounced Smart Lists, the Subscribe button, the Ticker, and even the new privacy settings. All of these tweaks are available now to most users, and when they appear, you should notice a pop-up prompt that will walk you through the changes. Can't find the Ticker? It should appear on the right side of any Facebook page, above the chat box.While many of the new features are now live, the biggest change — the Timeline— will roll out gradually. To be first in line, you can opt in now by clicking "Sign Me Up" at the bottom of Facebook's official Timeline preview page. The first Timelines will be published on September 29, and we can expect to see them pop up for most users thereafter.This article originally appeared on TeccaMore from Tecca:- Facebook's Timeline preview in pictures
- New Facebook Features: What you need to know
- Tecca's guide to Facebook
- How to use Facebook's new privacy settings
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