REMEMBER: God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness). (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Surah 30 'Ar-Rum: Ayat 41)
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk

REMEMBER: God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness). (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Surah 30 'Ar-Rum: Ayat 41)
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
Taufan hujan banjir Ibu kota Filipina Berdebar-debar
September 27, 2011 - MANILA, Filipina (AP) - penduduk manila cauca melalui air banjir setinggi pinggang dan dielakkan serpihan terbang hari ini sebagai taufan kuat melanda Filipina, membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 16 orang dan menghantar ombak setinggi pokok kelapa sawit yang menghempas seawalls.
Kebanyakan kematian berlaku di metropolitan Manila, yang sudah direndam oleh hujan monsun berat menjelang ketibaan Taufan Nesat dengan hujan dan gusts angin sehingga hingga 93 mph (150 kph). Kawasan pusat bandar sepanjang Teluk Manila mengalami banjir paling buruk dalam beberapa dekad.
Hujan mengaburkan pandangan berdebar-debar sesiapa di jalan-jalan askar dan polis bergegas untuk selamat keluar beribu-ribu orang di kawasan rendah, di mana sungai-sungai dan laut tertumpah ke shanties, hospital, hotel angkuh dan walaupun tepi laut kompaun Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat.
"Banjir di mana-mana sahaja. Kami tidak mempunyai tempat untuk pergi untuk tempat tinggal. Malah motosikal saya mendapat dipenuhi dengan air," kata pemandu Ray Gonzales, salah satu daripada beribu-ribu terkandas oleh air banjir cepat-semakin meningkat. Banjir besar-besaran datang tepat sehari selepas ini bandar yang luas, pantai 12 juta yang diadakan commemorations 2 tahun untuk orang-orang hampir 500 terbunuh dalam taufan 2009, yang dibuang hujan sebulan hanya dalam masa 12 jam. Geografi kepulauan membuat tikar dialu-alukan untuk kira-kira 20 ribut dan taufan dari Pasifik setiap tahun.
Sesetengah penduduk bertindak lebih cepat kali ini untuk mengosongkan rumah sebagai air meningkat, termasuk di pinggir bandar manila di mana 2,000 orang melarikan diri sungai bengkak dengan tertarik kepada sekolah rendah, membawa binatang peliharaan, set TV, beg pakaian dan air botol.
"Kita boleh menggantikan perkara, tetapi bukan kehidupan orang ramai," kata janitor Banny Domanais, tiba di sekolah dengan isteri dan 3 anak perempuan yang masih kecil. Nesat taufan melanda darat sebelum subuh hari ini di wilayah timur dan diketuai pedalaman di utara Manila dengan inci hujan setiap jam, setengah ribut 2 tahun lalu, berkata kerajaan peramal cuaca Samuel Duran.
Pekerja kecemasan dipindahkan kawasan sungai di Manila yang terkenal dengan banjir. Dalam semua, pihak berkuasa mengarahkan lebih 100,000 orang di seluruh negara bagi perlindungan daripada angin yang mapan ribut sehingga 75 mph (120 kph) dan hujan - jatuh dari 1 yang besar 400 batu (650 kilometer) awan band.
Sepanjang baywalk bersejarah di pusat bandar manila, kereta dan bas yang telah terperangkap dan penduduk yang berjuang melalui air banjir sebagai gelombang yang dibasuh ke atas tembok laut, menjadikan lebuh raya 6 lorong ke dalam sungai perang besar. Lorong pejalan kaki dan pintu masuk bangunan dibanjiri.
Di daerah kewangan Philippine, satu papan tanda jatuh pada dua buah kereta dan bas, menyebabkan kecederaan. Air sedalam leher di tingkat bawah Hospital manila memaksa kakitangan untuk memindahkan pesakit ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi dan banjir penjana meninggalkan kemudahan tanpa kuasa, kata jurucakap Evangeline Morales berkata.
Askar dan polis dalam trak bergerak beribu-ribu penduduk, kebanyakannya wanita dan kanak-kanak, dari rompok Baseco menghadap pelabuhan manila selepas rumah banyak juga hanyut. Ahli-ahli keluarga lelaki keberatan untuk meninggalkan, berkata mereka mahu menjaga harta benda mereka.
Bursa Saham Filipina dan US Embassy ditutup. Perairan di pintu pagar kompaun kedutaan mencapai dada-dalam, dan kakitangan yang diberitahu untuk tinggal di rumah, kata jurucakap Tina Malone said. "Terdapat beberapa banjir di kedutaan. Saya tidak tahu setakat. Saya tidak ada sekarang," kata Malone.
Sofitel Philippine Plaza dipindahkan tetamu selepas banjir kawasan yang rosak hotel mewah di pantai Teluk Manila. Sirinate Meenakul, pengarah serantau di hotel komunikasi, berkata tiada tetamu atau kakitangan yang cedera. Dia tidak mengatakan berapa ramai tetamu di sana.
Benito Ramos, seorang jeneral tentera yang telah bersara yang mengetuai Pejabat Pertahanan Awam, berkata pihak berkuasa masih menilai kerosakan itu sebagai taufan terus memukul beberapa kawasan di negara ini. Beliau berkata adalah mengharukan melihat tenang rakyat Filipina yang tinggal di tengah-tengah krisis sekeliling.
"Kita lihat orang-orang pada bumbung rumah-rumah mereka Gin minum dan tersenyum dan melambai," kata Ramos. "Daya tahan sedemikian membantu mereka dalam masa tekanan." Hujan monsun bermusim di hadapan taufan tambah angin yang menolak air laut pedalaman telah memburukkan lagi keadaan, tukang ramal Duran kepada AP. "Tanah adalah tepu dengan hujan supaya hujan seterusnya menjadi larian dan sudah air banjir," katanya.
Badai angin yang dihantar pusuan sepanjang tambak yang kemudian terperangkap air di sebelah bandar supaya ia "tidak dapat mengalir kembali ke teluk," kata Francis Tolentino, pengerusi Pihak Berkuasa Pembangunan Metro Manila.
Presiden Benigno Aquino III, pada lawatan negara ke Jepun, memberitahu Berita televisyen Akhbar yang Berkaitan beliau yakin bahawa pihak berkuasa secukupnya menjawab banjir. Beliau berkata beliau percaya kuasa akan dikembalikan kepada kebanyakan modal Filipina oleh petang Selasa.
Walau bagaimanapun, kebanyakan pusat bandar dalam kegelapan malam yang jatuh dan liputan telefon bimbit telah diganggu. Beliau berkata dalam satu kenyataan yang lebih awal bahawa kerajaan telah dijalankan pemindahan pencegahan, dan bahawa hampir separuh daripada kawasan Luzon yang disampaikan oleh pengedar utama kuasa tanpa bekalan elektrik disebabkan oleh litar pintas yang disebabkan oleh angin yang tinggi.
Kematian pertama yang dilaporkan adalah seorang kanak-kanak lelaki berusia 1 tahun yang lemas di wilayah pulau pusat Catanduanes selepas jatuh ke dalam sungai, agensi kerajaan bencana. Sebagai angin taufan yang membidas metropolitan Manila, seorang ibu dan kanak-kanak terbunuh apabila rumah mereka dilanda oleh pokok yang jatuh, dan empat orang dilaporkan dibunuh oleh dinding runtuh.
2 yang lain mati lemas, manakala seorang lelaki dikebumikan dalam kejadian tanah runtuh di Olongapo barat Manila dan seorang lagi meninggal dunia dalam kemalangan lalu lintas. 4 kanak-kanak perempuan dan bayi disematkan mati oleh pokok-pokok yang jatuh di utara Manila, dan 3 lagi kanak-kanak hilang.
Empat orang telah diambil kira dalam kejadian tanah runtuh di wilayah Ifugao pergunungan, seperti 4 nelayan manakala lebih 50 yang lain telah diselamatkan di sepanjang pantai timur selepas bot mereka terbalik dalam laut yang tidak menentu. Peramal memberi amaran kepada 12 kaki tinggi (tinggi 4 meter) gelombang.
Ribut itu dijangka meninggalkan Philippines lewat Selasa dan kepala ke dalam Laut China Selatan ke arah selatan China.
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
Pounding typhoon Rains flood Philippine Capital
September 27, 2011 - MANILA, Philippines (AP) - Manila residents waded through waist-deep floodwaters and dodged flying debris Tuesday as a powerful typhoon struck the Philippines, killing at least 16 people and sending waves as tall as palm trees crashing over seawalls.
Most deaths occurred in metropolitan Manila, which already was soaked by heavy monsoon rains ahead of Typhoon Nesat's arrival with more downpours and wind gusts of up to 93 mph (150 kph). Downtown areas along Manila Bay suffered their worst flooding in decades.
Pounding rains obscured the view of anyone on the streets as soldiers and police scrambled to safely evacuate thousands of people in low-lying areas, where rivers and the sea spilled into shanties, hospitals, swanky hotels and even the seaside U.S. Embassy compound.
"It's flooded everywhere. We don't have a place to go for shelter. Even my motorcycle got filled with water," said motorist Ray Gonzales, one of thousands stranded by fast-rising floodwaters.
The massive flooding came exactly a day after this sprawling, coastal city of 12 million held two-year commemorations for the nearly 500 people killed during a 2009 cyclone, which dumped a month's rainfall in just 12 hours. The geography of the archipelago makes it a welcome mat for about 20 storms and typhoons from the Pacific each year.
Some residents acted more quickly this time to evacuate homes as waters rose, including in the Manila suburb of Marikina where 2,000 people escaped the swelling river by flocking to an elementary school, carrying pets, TV sets, bags of clothes and bottled water.
"We can replace things, but not people's lives," said janitor Banny Domanais, arriving at the school with his wife and three young daughters. Typhoon Nesat hit ashore before dawn Tuesday in eastern provinces and headed inland just north of Manila with up to an inch of rain per hour, half that of the storm two years ago, said government forecaster Samuel Duran.
Emergency workers evacuated river areas in Manila that are notorious for flooding. In all, authorities ordered more than 100,000 people across the country to shelter from the storm's sustained winds of up to 75 mph (120 kph) and its rains - dropping from an immense 400-mile (650-kilometer) cloud band.
Along downtown Manila's historic baywalk, cars and buses were stuck and residents struggled through floodwaters as waves washed over the seawall, turning a six-lane highway into a huge brown river. Sidewalks and buildings entrances were swamped.
In the financial district of Makati, a billboard fell on two cars and a bus, causing injuries. Neck-deep waters on the ground floor of the Manila Hospital forced staff to move patients to higher floors and flooded generators left the facility without power, spokeswoman Evangeline Morales said.
Soldiers and police in trucks moved thousands of residents, mostly women and children, from the Baseco shanty facing Manila port after many houses were washed away. Male family members were reluctant to leave, saying they wanted to guard their property.
The Philippine Stock Exchange and U.S. Embassy were closed. Waters at the gates of the embassy compound reached chest-deep, and staff were told to stay home, spokeswoman Tina Malone said. "There was some flooding in the embassy. I don't know the extent. I'm not there right now," Malone said.
The Sofitel Philippine Plaza relocated its guests after flooding damaged areas of the high-end hotel on the shores of Manila Bay. Sirinate Meenakul, the hotel's regional communications director, said no guests or staff were injured. She did not say how many guests were there.
Benito Ramos, a retired army general who heads the Office of Civil Defense, said authorities were still assessing the damage as the typhoon continued to pummel some areas of the country. He said it was heartwarming to see Filipinos remaining calm amid the unfolding crisis.
"We see people on the roofs of their houses drinking gin and smiling and waving," Ramos said. "Such resiliency helps them get by in stressful times." Seasonal monsoon rains ahead of the typhoon plus winds pushing seawater inland had worsened the situation, forecaster Duran told the AP. "Land is saturated with rain so the next rain became run-off and was already floodwater," he said.
The wind sent storm surges over an embankment that then trapped water on the city side so that it "couldn't flow back to the bay," said Francis Tolentino, chairman of Metro Manila Development Authority.
President Benigno Aquino III, on a state visit to Japan, told Associated Press Television News he was confident that authorities were adequately responding to flooding. He said he believed power would be restored to most of the Philippine capital by Tuesday afternoon.
However, most of downtown was in darkness as night fell and cellphone coverage was interrupted. He said in an earlier statement that the government had carried out preventive evacuations, and that nearly half of the Luzon areas served by the main power distributor were without electricity due to short circuits caused by high winds.
The first reported death was a 1-year-old boy who drowned in the central island province of Catanduanes after falling into a creek, the government disaster agency reported. As the typhoon's winds lashed metropolitan Manila, a mother and child were killed when their house was hit by a falling tree, and four were reported killed by a collapsing wall.
Two others drowned, while a man was buried in a landslide in Olongapo west of Manila and another died in traffic collision. Four girls and a baby were pinned to death by falling trees north of Manila, and three more children were missing.
Four people were unaccounted for in a landslide in mountainous Ifugao province, as were four fishermen while more than 50 others were rescued along eastern shores after their boats overturned in choppy seas. Forecasters warned of 12-foot-high (4-meter-high) waves.
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
Hold My hand - 1WORLD Community Sharing
WalkIN thru: עני בן לילה 'errors human Hand Disaster'
REMEMBER God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: 'Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness)'. (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Quran, Surah 30 'Ar-Rum: Ayat 41)

ManasyeCall 1WORLD
1WORLDCommunity//Category: Declaration
P.S. -- Reminder . . .
'Poor OverNight' Can happen to AnyOne
AnyWhere AnyTIME!!!
עני בן לילה 'errors human Hand Disaster,
Let us go through what happened in 2004 - 2011 to remember the many blessings of Allah Almighty; He is indeed the Forgiving of our sins, . . .
This Is the 11th Reminder from the earth it self by her name khadam: TheWORLD *1st Reminder 2000 *2nd Reminder 2004 *3rd Reminder 2007 *4th Reminder 2009 *5th Reminder 1/March/today September 2011
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
DECLARATION: To Peoples Of the Whole WORLD
To Peoples Of the Whole WORLD: The only solution I've have found at the 21st Century (The treasures of the earth key or key of earth) that never find out or never touch by Jiins and Human (Mankind) since earth was created. This system CAPABLE to control human (No One left) for 6 billion people even more.
No other technology in the WORLD can cover each individual for 6 billion people even more. This technology is the New Model 1WORLD Economic Development of the 21st Century DESTINY.
To make this happening I swear to God, I responsible to do this responsibility to all people in the WORLD without fail. What I wants to make this happening: I'm Asking All peoples of the WORLD to focus Right key:
KEY OF THIS CENTURY: Al-Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu Anhu. Prophet Said (peace be on him). "By God that Grips My SOUL. No longer JESUS, SON Of MARYAM Will COME DOWN to you As a FAIR JUDGE. He Will BREAK CROSSES, Kill SWINE, AND ABOLISH the TAX (Cancel The TAX) And (THEN) ABUNDANT WEALTH, So NO ONE is Willing to RECEIVE ZAKAT (The Time NO ONE Eligible To Receive Zakat) & Bow Down To One (value) Is Better than his Whole WORLD.
Again God Almighty says, ‘And there is none of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), but must believe in him ('Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), as only a Messenger of Allah and a human being), before his ('Isa (Jesus) or a Jew's or a Christian's) death (at the time of the appearance of the angel of death). And on the Day of Resurrection, he ('Isa (Jesus) will be a witness against them. (Kemudian Abu Hurairah berkata jika kamu mahu, bacalah huru-hara Kiamat, Firman Allah Taala: ‘Dan tidak ada seorang pun dari kalangan ahli Kitab (Yahudi dan Nasaro) melainkan ia akan beriman kepada Nabi Isa sebelum matinya dan pada hari kiamat kelak Nabi Isa akan menjadi saksi terhadap mereka’. (Surah 4 ‘An-Nisa: Ayat 159)
FOR YOUR INFORMATION: We don't have a Choice, this is a Technology of Awalin (Awal/Akhir) (We must ready for the coming of messiah/Son of Mary/Isa Ibnu Maryam: As a just Judge: ABOLISH the TAX (Memansuhkan cukai) . . . (*mean Everyone In the WORLD will be a Millionaire): (THE PERSONAL EARTH (It’s self) Technology End Of TheWORLD)
This technology can be transfer: Our responsible for this responsibility to transfer this technology to over the WORLD. mean Ready for it, So we work it together to make the GOLDMINE 21st Century DESTINY happening.
For your Informations: Almighty Said, 'Everything there is an appointed term and you will come to know' (QS, Surah 6 'Al-An'am: verse 67)
O' People, The Market, the System, the Economic are Dead, Cannot produce how hard you do it. It’s over, don’t waste your TIME! I give you an example maturity: Like Ourself We Born then We Die when old age, so same things with the System, the Market, the Business, the Economic, theWORLD Old Enough and Time’s Up! . . .
We must move to another Destiny to produce. We have to understand, when we plant a tree on the new fresh soil, the reality maximum result will produce! (The system of Awalin: Abolish theTAX & Everyone In The Whole WORLD will be Millionaire”)
REMEMBER: If We Not Aware, the WORLD Getting Worst . .
O' Peoples Of the WORLD khadam by the name: theWORLD, Now ARE SICK: This is not because of typhoon nargis or this is not because of burning forest or this is not because of flood happening in your country, this is not because of Global Economic Crisis not because swine flu or this is not because of typhoon ketsana and tsunami@Aceh (2004), Samoa Island, earthquake @Haiti! (2010), anyway not because of the critical illness, but It's because of us delay postpone, not aware, don’t care about the good thing comes up to us.
REMEMBER: TheWelfare (Welfare Government @Welfare System) the only Medicine for all Sickness, all the bad thing, all the bad matter, critical economic, problem, trouble & disaster. (My msg *since 2000, 2004, 2007, 2009, 1, March, October, 2011) Why Don’t We Focus It And Taking Immediate Action!!!
O'Peoples Of theWhole WORLD: You're haven't seen - What I have seen.
This technology give everything and maximum power to control the WORLD. I had found the Key and I'm the Key. Impossible for you out there to do without me, must work right way - together with the owner & the founder. You don’t know, what I know. Do not do wrong-doers to your ownselves (believe me it’s about AbolishTax Destiny: The Coming Of Messiah CalifahAllah And JESUS Son Of Mary) THIS IS THE REAL DESTINY !
Hebrew King: Hamden bolly Enn . . .
Posted by Hebrew King: Hamden bolly “To my peoples of Hebrew:
ln My Dream, l' Was told”
Reading My own Destiny from 3 pieces of pages from the book was written . . .
Paper 1 in Writting: Telling about Hebrew KING by the name: Hamden bolly
Paper 2 in Writting: Telling about what I've bring my to the peoples “the GOLDMINE or Earth key or Earth Treasure 1WORLD”
Paper 3 in Writting: Telling about I'm * leading having foods with (my peoples) many mens in many of groups in side Masjidil'Aqsa.
* My People are waiting for me to start eating foods and I'm so glad. I'm so satisfied And I'm so happy. (And I saw them in many group eating together with me)
Waallahua'lam (God Knows).
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
Our Responsibility @GOLDMINE 1WORLD Community Should Render Back the trusts to those to Whom they Due: (@18 Group Of people) Poor People, Orphan, Single Mother, Single Father, Student, Low In Come, Jobless, Disable, Patient, Old Citizen, Prisoner, Bankruptcy, FARMER, Fishermen, RICH People, All RACES, All Country And All Government In theWhole WORLD. theWORLD for free! NewWORLDPrinciple: ASSETProperty "It's NOT For SALE, It's Not For Bought, It's FREE!: *Free House *Free Car * Free Education: College, University. *Free ELETRICAL GOODs: Air Con, PC Laptops, Home Theatre. *Free FURNITURE: Sofa Set, Bed Set, Sauna Bath, Kitchen Cabinet, Dining Table. *Free Vacation: Travelling Around the WORLD, Holiday, HAJ, UMRAH, NOW EveryONE CAN Fly, Hotels. *Free Life Insurance: (Free Hospital Fund, Free Funeral Fund, Free Death Fund, Free Pension Fund).