REMEMBER: God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness). (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Surah 30: Ar-Rum Ayat 41)
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Mogok lapar Ahli Parlimen Afghanistan Memanjangkan Pertikaian
October 09, 2011 - Kabul, Afghanistan (AP) - Ia adalah hari kelapan mogok lapar disingkirkan parlimen Simeen Afghanistan Barakzai. Melalui bibir luka dan dengan suara yang kasar, dia kata ahad dia tidak akan minum atau makan apa-apa sehingga Presiden Hamid Karzai membuka penyiasatan ke dalam penipuan undi oleh wanita yang telah mengambil alih tempat duduknya.
Bantahan beliau seterusnya terkini dalam pertikaian yang seolah-olah terus-menerus sepanjang yang tergolong dalam parlimen Afghanistan - masih tetap berlangsung, lebih daripada satu tahun selepas pilihan raya yang dicemari oleh penipuan.
Monitor penipuan dibuang 1.3 juta undi daripada pengundian - hampir satu perempat daripada jumlah - dan hilang kelayakan 19 calon pemenang sebelum keputusan dimuktamadkan jatuh lepas. Tetapi ramai orang-orang yang rugi berhujah bahawa pengundi telah disenfranchised dan tekanan Karzai untuk mengkaji semula keputusan.
Karzai akhirnya mengambil kes itu ke mahkamah, yang memutuskan bahawa 62 duduk ahli-ahli parlimen perlu dikeluarkan, walaupun mahkamah tidak mempunyai kedudukan di sisi undang-undang untuk mengubah keputusan.
Tuduhan, siasatan dan undang-undang-lentur telah ditangguhkan kerja dan mengancam untuk melemahkan kesahihan badan perundangan. Barakzai adalah salah satu daripada 9 ahli-ahli parlimen yang dikeluarkan dari tempat duduk mereka pada bulan Ogos sebagai sebahagian daripada kompromi yang pragmatik tetapi tidak kemas yang bertujuan akhirnya berakhir saga dan membiarkan penggubal undang-undang dapat bekerja. PBB dan pelbagai misi antarabangsa mengeluarkan kenyataan yang mengalu-alukan keputusan itu oleh pegawai-pegawai pilihan raya Afghanistan.
Walaupun begitu, keputusan yang mencetuskan pusingan baru bantahan dan muslihat politik yang hanya akhirnya seolah-olah bersedia untuk mati pada hari Sabtu apabila sekumpulan ahli-ahli parlimen memboikot kembali ke sesi. Tetapi sekarang, mogok lapar Barakzai muncul mungkin untuk membuka semula pertikaian lagi.
Kumpulan kira-kira 30 penggubal undang-undang - ramai di antara mereka dalam barisan kepimpinan di Parlimen - telah dipanggil untuk Karzai untuk membuka penyiasatan formal ke dalam kesnya. Mereka berkumpul di khemah kecil di luar Parlimen di mana Barakzai terletak di katil pada petang hari Ahad dan memberitahu bahawa mereka berharap bahawa Karzai akan memenuhi permintaan mereka.
Kuasa kepada Speaker Dewan Rakyat Parlimen, Abdul Raouf Ibrahimi, berkata dia bercakap dengan Karzai telefon awal Ahad dan kata Presiden telah berjanji untuk memulakan siasatan. Kemudian dia menyeru Barakzai hendaklah mereka membawanya ke hospital, atau sekurang-kurangnya untuk mengambil titisan glukosa.
Sejak itu dia menolak kedua-duanya. "Presiden membuat janji-janji palsu," katanya, menangis. Beliau berkata beliau tidak akan berbuka puasa sehingga penyiasatan bebas telah bermula. Dan dengan bebas, beliau menjelaskan, ia bermaksud dia tidak mahu Mahkamah Agung atau pegawai-pegawai pilihan raya yang terlibat. Dia mahu kumpulan-kumpulan masyarakat sivil atau kumpulan bebas yang pernah bekerja sebagai memantau pilihan raya yang terlibat.
Ketika ditanya mengapa dia memilih bentuk bantahan ini, Barakzai berkata: "Saya tidak mempunyai apa-apa cara lain saya tidak mempunyai mana-mana orang yang tinggi dalam kerajaan."
Rayuan beliau adalah tanda-tanda sedikit amanah yang terdapat di institusi-institusi kerajaan di Afghanistan hari ini. Walaupun janji Karzai untuk membersihkan rasuah dan menyekat kronisme sejak pilihan raya sendiri yang dipenuhi penipuan pada tahun 2009, terdapat bukti sedikit kemajuan.
Afghanistan sangat sebuah negara yang diperintah oleh Dekrit Presiden, dengan cek beberapa kuasa itu. Apabila tujuh pilihan Karzai untuk jawatan menteri telah ditolak oleh parlimen, beliau dilantik sebagai menteri bertindak.
Mahkamah Agung telah beroperasi di luar undang-undang Afghanistan biasa sejak tamat tempoh Ketua Hakim Negara, Abdul Salam Azimi 2010 Jun. Karzai mengeluarkan perintah darurat untuk melanjutkan tempoh Azimi, tetapi tidak pernah meletakkan dekri untuk parlimen, yang diperlukan untuk meluluskan semua pencalonan Mahkamah Agung.
Dan parlimen menyembelihunta oleh kontroversi lebih undi. Aduan Barakzai bahawa wanita yang kini telah diberi jawatan sebagai wakil untuk wilayah Herat barat telah hilang kelayakan untuk penipuan undi.
Kakitangan membekalkan salinan surat dari satu badan pemantau-pemantauan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB)-Afghan penipuan yang menghilangkan kelayakan seorang wanita itu, Rahima Jami untuk "penipuan besar-besaran."
Bahawa kumpulan penipuan pemantauan, Suruhanjaya Aduan Pilihan Raya, telah dibubarkan selepas keputusan pilihan raya telah dimuktamadkan. Kini, ahli-ahli parlimen bersekutu Barakzai dan lain-lain mengatakan ia adalah masyarakat antarabangsa - dan khusus Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu - yang telah ditinggalkan mereka dengan sokongan yang telah digulingkan sembilan penggubal undang-undang.
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
Afghan lawmaker's Hunger Strike Extends Dispute
October 09, 2011 — KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — It was the eighth day of ousted Afghan parliamentarian Simeen Barakzai's hunger strike. Through chapped lips and in a rough voice, she said Sunday she would not drink or eat anything until President Hamid Karzai opened an investigation into vote fraud by the woman who has taken over her seat.
Her protest is the latest turn in a seemingly interminable dispute over who belongs in the Afghan parliament - still going on, more than a year after elections that were marred by fraud. Fraud monitors discarded 1.3 million ballots from the poll - nearly a quarter of the total - and disqualified 19 winning candidates before results were finalized last fall. But many of the losers had argued that voters had been disenfranchised and pressured Karzai to revisit the results. Karzai eventually took the case to the courts, which ruled that 62 sitting parliamentarians should be removed, even though the court had no legal standing to change the results.
The accusations, investigations and law-bending have delayed work and threatened to undermine the legislature's legitimacy. Barakzai is one of nine parliamentarians removed from their seats in August as part of a pragmatic but messy compromise that was meant to finally end the saga and let the lawmakers get to work. The U.N. and a host of international missions released statements welcoming the ruling by Afghan election officials.
Even so, that decision sparked a new round of protest and political maneuvering that only finally seemed ready to die down on Saturday when a group of boycotting parliamentarians returned to session. But now, Barakzai's hunger strike appears likely to reopen the dispute all over again. A group of about 30 lawmakers - many of them in leadership positions in parliament - have called for Karzai to open a formal investigation into her case. They gathered in the small tent outside parliament where Barakzai lies on a cot on Sunday afternoon and told her that they were hopeful that Karzai would meet their demands.
The speaker of the lower house of parliament, Abdul Raouf Ibrahimi, said he spoke with Karzai on the phone earlier Sunday and said the president had promised to launch an investigation. Then he urged Barakzai to let them take her to a hospital, or at least to take a glucose drip.
She refused both. "The president is making false promises," she said, crying. She said she would not break her fast until an independent investigation had started. And by independent, she explained, she meant she didn't want the Supreme Court or election officials involved. She wanted civil society groups or independent groups that had worked as election monitors involved.
Asked why she had chosen this form of protest, Barakzai said: "I don't have any other way. I don't have any people high up in the government." Her plea was a sign of how little trust there is in government institutions in Afghanistan these days. Despite Karzai's pledges to clean up corruption and curtail cronyism since his own fraud-filled election in 2009, there has been little evidence of progress.
Afghanistan is very much a country ruled by presidential decree, with few checks on that power. When seven of Karzai's choices for ministerial posts were rejected by parliament, he appointed them as acting ministers.
The Supreme Court has been operating outside of regular Afghan law since the June 2010 expiration of the term of Chief Justice Abdul Salam Azimi. Karzai issued an emergency decree to extend Azimi's tenure, but never put the decree to parliament, which is required to approve all Supreme Court nominations.
And parliament is hamstrung by controversy over the vote. Barakzai's complaint is that the woman who now has been given her post as a representative for western Herat province had been previously disqualified for vote fraud. Her staffers supplied a copy of letter from a U.N.-Afghan fraud-monitoring watchdog disqualifying that woman, Rahima Jami for "massive fraud."
That fraud-monitoring group, the Electoral Complaints Commission, was disbanded after election results were finalized. Now Barakzai and other allied parliamentarians say it is the international community — and specifically the United Nations — that has abandoned them by backing the ouster of the nine lawmakers.
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