REMEMBER: God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness). (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Surah 30 'Ar-Rum: Ayat 41)
REMEMBER: God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness). (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Surah 30 'Ar-Rum: Ayat 41)
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
Nobel Karman 'ibu revolusi Yaman
October 07, 2011 - Sanaa, Yemen (AP) - Beliau terkenal di kalangan Yemenis sebagai "wanita besi" dan "ibu revolusi." Seorang wanita konservatif yang berjuang untuk perubahan dalam masyarakat Islam yang konservatif dan puak, Tawakkul Karman telah menghadapi pemberontakan besar-besaran terhadap rejim autoritarian Presiden Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Karman yang berusia 32 tahun telah menjadi seorang aktivis hak asasi manusia di Yaman selama bertahun-tahun, tetapi apabila dia ditangkap pada bulan Januari, ia membantu protes meletup oleh beratus-ratus ribu yang menuntut penyingkiran Saleh dan pembentukan kerajaan demokrasi.
Apabila pengumuman telah dibuat Jumaat bahawa beliau telah dianugerahkan Hadiah Nobel Keamanan, Karman di mana beliau telah hampir setiap hari selama lapan bulan yang lalu: dalam khemah bantahan di Dataran Change, bulatan di tengah-tengah Sanaa yang telah menjadi pusat gempa bumi simbolik pemberontakan.
"Hadiah ini bukan untuk Tawakkul, ia adalah untuk seluruh rakyat Yaman, untuk syahid, untuk jalan berdiri kepada (Soleh) dan gengnya. Tiap-tiap yang kejam dan diktator kecewa dengan hadiah ini kerana ia menghadapi ketidakadilan," katanya memberitahu The Associated Press dari khemah itu kerana beliau menerima ucapan tahniah daripada aktivis lain.
Dalam memilih Karman - yang berkongsi hadiah dengan Liberia Presiden Ellen Johnson Sirleaf dan aktivis keamanan Liberia Leymah Gbowee - jawatankuasa Nobel memberikan anggukan Spring Arab, gelombang kebangkitan yang telah disapu Timur Tengah, memaksa pemimpin-pemimpin Tunisia, Mesir dan Libya.
Di Yaman, berjuta-juta telah beralih untuk protes di ibu negara Sanaa dan bandar-bandar di seluruh negara sejak akhir bulan Januari. Namun, Saleh telah determinedly enggan meletak jawatan. Karman dan yang aktivis lain muda yang telah diketuai kebangkitan Yaman telah diwujudkan satu gerakan yang unik di negara ini miskin pada hujung di selatan Semenanjung Arab itu, di mana ketaatan kaum menjalankan dalam, banyak orang ramai adalah agama yang konservatif dan senjata yang bertiup kencang, dengan senapang di hampir setiap rumah.
Seperti kebanyakan wanita Yaman, Karman sekali memakai niqab, pakaian konservatif Islam yang meliputi muka dengan tabir dan menyembunyikan badan jubah berat, meninggalkan hanya mata yang boleh dilihat. Tetapi tahun lepas, beliau ditukar kepada tudung yang lebih sederhana, yang meliputi hanya rambut - kata beliau kepada AP dia mahu untuk bersemuka dengan rakan-rakan aktivis saya. "
Beliau juga adalah seorang ahli pembangkang Islam Yaman Parti Islah fundamentalis, tetapi penyertaan dalam bantahan membawa kritikan tajam dari konservatif dalam parti, beberapa orang yang mengutuk beliau dalam khutbah masjid.
Rejim Saleh sendiri cuba untuk menjatuhkan beliau dengan menyebarkan gambar duduk beliau dalam khemah protes dengan rakan sekerja lelaki - dengan orang lain di sekeliling mereka dipotong dari gambar -. Yang ingin merosakkan berdosa kerana bersendirian dengan seorang lelaki
Wanita telah mengambil bahagian yang besar dalam protes. Pihak penganjur telah sengaja berusaha untuk melintas garisan puak. Dan tegas mereka kekal aman, walaupun Yaman seolah-olah meletup di sekeliling mereka. Pasukan keselamatan Saleh telah berulang kali melepaskan tembakan ke atas penunjuk perasaan.
Sanaa dan bandar-bandar lain telah bertukar menjadi zon perang sebagai pertempuran kuasa - kuasa rejim dengan unit tentera pembangkang dan pejuang puak yang menentang kepada Saleh.
"Ali atau kumpulan-kumpulan itu akan mengheret Yaman terhadap peperangan dan perbalahan dalaman," Karman memberitahu AP. "Kami memilih keamanan, kita dapat menggunakan keganasan dalam revolusi ini dan kita dapat diselesaikan dalam hari dan tidak bulan dengan menggunakan senjata kita . . . Tetapi kita memilih keamanan dan keamanan hanya."
"Jangan bimbang tentang Yaman. Yaman bermula dalam keadaan aman damai dan ia akan berakhir revolusi dalam keadaan aman, dan ia akan mula negeri yang baru sivil dengan keamanan," katanya. Suaminya, Mohammed al-Nahmi, duduk bersama dalam khemah kerana beliau menerima ucapan tahniah, memberitahu AP, "Ini adalah hadiah dia layak. Sebelum dia adalah isteri saya, beliau adalah seorang rakan sekerja, dan sahabat dalam perjuangan."
Thorbjoern Jagland, yang mengetuai Jawatankuasa Nobel Norway lima anggota memberitahu AP bahawa Karman termasuk dalam hadiah "isyarat bahawa Spring Arab tidak boleh berjaya tanpa termasuk wanita di dalamnya."
Beliau juga berkata Karman dimiliki oleh gerakan Islam yang mempunyai hubungan persaudaraan Islam, "yang di Barat dilihat sebagai satu ancaman kepada demokrasi." Beliau menambah bahawa "Saya tidak percaya itu. Terdapat banyak isyarat bahawa jenis pergerakan boleh menjadi bahagian penting daripada penyelesaian."
Karman, seorang ibu tiga, pada asalnya berasal dari bandar selatan Taiz, sebuah bandar yang dikenali untuk kelas menengah yang terkenal dan intelektual universiti yang telah lama menjadi lubuk pembangkang untuk Saleh. Ayahnya, Abdul-Salam Karman, sekali menteri hal ehwal undang-undang di bawah Saleh, tetapi meletak jawatan untuk membantah rasuah dalam kerajaan.
Karman telah menganjurkan protes dan duduk-in sebagai Seawal tahun 2007, merujuk kepada perhimpunan yang kerap beliau di luar pejabat kerajaan di Sanaa sebagai "persegi Kebebasan." Beliau berkempen bagi hak-hak yang lebih besar untuk wanita dan akhir kepada gangguan wartawan. Dia mengetuai Wanita Wartawan tanpa Rangkaian, sebuah organisasi yang menyokong kebebasan akhbar.
Pada Disember 2010, pemberontakan meletus di Tunisia selepas vendor buah-buahan tempatan di negara Afrika Utara, Mohamed Bouazizi, menetapkan dirinya terbakar. Di Yaman, Karman kaunter bantahan dalam sokongan daripada Tunisia.
Bantahan kecil, yang terdiri daripada tidak lebih daripada 200 orang yang keliling jalan-jalan Sanaa, dipenuhi dengan rintangan kerajaan yang kukuh, dan dipecahkan dengan meriam air dan cota. Karman akan menghantar mesej teks kepada penunjuk perasaan dan wartawan untuk menganjurkan protes, menggesa orang ramai untuk menyertai.
Pada Januari 23, pihak berkuasa yang ditangkap Karman. Langkah ini adalah dimaksudkan sebagai amaran kepadanya, tetapi ia memakan diri sendiri, menghantar gelombang penunjuk perasaan wanita ke jalan-jalan Sanaa dan bandar-bandar lain, pemandangan yang jarang berlaku di Yaman. Karman dibebaskan awal keesokan harinya dan petang beliau mengetuai bantahan lain.
Dia dan penganjur protes yang lain terus diilhamkan oleh Mesir, di mana penunjuk perasaan merampas kuasa Square pusat Kaherah Tahrir menuntut penyingkiran Presiden Hosni Mubarak. Hari selepas Mubarak meletak jawatan pada bulan Februari, penunjuk perasaan Yaman, dengan Karman dan lain-lain penganjur protes lelaki menerajui merampas sebuah persimpangan utama di tengah-tengah Sanaa, yang kemudian datang yang dikenali sebagai Square Perubahan. Karman telah sebahagian daripada majlis kumpulan kumpulan protes yang berbeza dan sebuah organisasi yang mewakili belia revolusi.
Sejak Februari 17, kem bantahan kekal di tempat, walaupun sebagai pasukan keselamatan telah berkali-kali melepaskan tembakan ke atas. Dalam gelombang baru-baru ini berjuang di antara pasukan keselamatan dan pembangkang angkatan tentera di ibu negara bulan lepas, lebih 150 orang terbunuh, kebanyakan mereka penunjuk perasaan.
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
Nobel's Karman 'the Mother Of Yemen's Revolution'
October 07, 2011 - SANAA, Yemen (AP) - She is known among Yemenis as "the iron woman" and the "mother of the revolution." A conservative woman fighting for change in a conservative Muslim and tribal society, Tawakkul Karman has been the face of the mass uprising against the authoritarian regime of President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
The 32-year-old Karman has been an activist for human rights in Yemen for years, but when she was arrested in January, it helped detonate protests by hundreds of thousands demanding the ouster of Saleh and the creation of a democratic government.
When the announcement was made Friday that she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Karman was where she has been nearly every day for the past eight months: in a protest tent in Change Square, the roundabout in central Sanaa that has been the symbolic epicenter of the revolt.
"This prize is not for Tawakkul, it is for the whole Yemeni people, for the martyrs, for the cause of standing up to (Saleh) and his gangs. Every tyrant and dictator is upset by this prize because it confronts injustice," she told The Associated Press from her tent as she received congratulations from other activists.
In choosing Karman - who shares the prize with Liberian President Ellen Sirleaf Johnson and Liberian peace activist Leymah Gbowee - the Nobel committee gave a nod to the Arab Spring, the wave of uprisings that have swept the Middle East, forcing out the leaders of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.
In Yemen, millions have been turning out for protests in the capital Sanaa and cities around the country since late January. Still, Saleh has determinedly refused to step down. Karman and the other young activists who have led Yemen's uprising have created a movement that is unique in this impoverished nation on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, where tribal allegiances run deep, much of the public is religiously conservative and weapons are rife, with guns in nearly every home.
Like the majority of Yemeni women, Karman once wore the niqab, the conservative Muslim garb that covers the face with a veil and hides the body in heavy robes, leaving only the eyes visible. But last year, she changed to a more moderate headscarf, covering just her hair - she told AP she wanted to be "face to face with my activist colleagues."
She is also a member of Yemen's opposition Islamic fundamentalist Islah Party, but her participation in the protests brought sharp criticism from conservatives in the party, some of whom denounced her in mosque sermons. Saleh's regime itself tried to discredit her by spreading a photo of her sitting in a protest tent with a male colleague - with others around them cut out from the picture - seeking to taint her as sinful for being alone with a man.
Women have participated heavily in the protests. The organizers have intentionally sought to cut across tribal lines. And they have resolutely remained peaceful, even as Yemen seems to explode around them. Saleh's security forces have repeatedly opened fire on protesters. Sanaa and other cities have turned into war zones as regime forces battle with dissident military units and tribal fighters opposed to Saleh.
"Neither Ali nor his gangs will drag Yemen toward war and infighting," Karman told the AP. "We chose peace, we could have resorted to violence in this revolution and we could have settled it in days and not months by resorting to our weapons ... But we chose peace and only peace."
"Don't worry about Yemen. Yemen started in peace and it will end its revolution in peace, and it will start its new civil state with peace," she said. Her husband, Mohammed al-Nahmi, sitting with her in the tent as he received congratulations, told AP, "This is a prize she deserves. Before she is my wife, she is a colleague, and a companion in the struggle."
Thorbjoern Jagland, who heads the five-member Norwegian Nobel Committee told AP that including Karman in the prize is "a signal that the Arab Spring cannot be successful without including the women in it."
He also said Karman belongs to a Muslim movement with links to the Muslim brotherhood, "which in the West is perceived as a threat to democracy." He added that "I don't believe that. There are many signals that that kind of movement can be an important part of the solution."
Karman, a mother of three, originally hails from the southern city of Taiz, a city known for its prominent middle class and university intellectuals that has long been a hotbed of opposition to Saleh. Her father, Abdul-Salam Karman, was once the legal affairs minister under Saleh, but resigned to protest corruption in the government.
Karman had organized protests and sit-ins as early as 2007, referring to her regular gatherings outside government offices in Sanaa as the "Freedom square." She campaigned for greater rights for women and an end to harassment of journalists. She headed Women Journalists without Chains, an organization advocating for press freedoms.
In December 2010, the uprising erupted in Tunisia after a local fruit vendor in the North African nation, Mohamed Bouazizi, set himself on fire. In Yemen, Karman led protests in support of the Tunisians. The small protests, comprising no more than 200 people roving Sanaa's streets, were met with strong government resistance, and were broken up with water cannons and batons. Karman would send text messages to protesters and journalists to organize protests, urging people to join.
On Jan. 23, authorities arrested Karman. The move was meant as a warning to her, but it backfired, sending a wave of women protesters into the streets of Sanaa and other cities, a rare sight in Yemen. Karman was released early the next day and by the afternoon she was leading another protest.
She and other protest organizers were further inspired by Egypt, where protesters seized control of Cairo's central Tahrir Square demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak. Days after Mubarak stepped down in February, Yemeni protesters, with Karman and other male protest organizers at the helm, seized a major intersection in the heart of Sanaa, which then came to be known as Change Square. Karman has been part of a council grouping the disparate protest groups and an organization representing the youth of revolution.
Since Feb. 17, the protest camp has remained in place, even as security forces have repeatedly opened fire on it. In a recent wave of fighting between security forces and dissident military forces in the capital last month, more than 150 people were killed, most of them protesters.

Hebrew King: Hamden bolly
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
Hold My hand - 1WORLD Community Sharing
WalkIN thru: עני בן לילה 'errors human Hand Disaster'
REMEMBER God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: 'Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness)'. (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Quran, Surah 30 'Ar-Rum: Ayat 41)

ManasyeCall 1WORLD
1WORLDCommunity//Category: Declaration
P.S. -- Reminder . . .
'Poor OverNight' Can happen to AnyOne
AnyWhere AnyTIME!!!
עני בן לילה 'errors human Hand Disaster,
Let us go through what happened in 2004 - 2011 to remember the many blessings of Allah Almighty; He is indeed the Forgiving of our sins, . . .
This Is the 11th Reminder from the earth it self by her name khadam: TheWORLD *1st Reminder 2000 *2nd Reminder 2004 *3rd Reminder 2007 *4th Reminder 2009 *5th Reminder 1/March/now October 2011
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
DECLARATION: To Peoples Of the Whole WORLD
To Peoples Of the Whole WORLD: The only solution I've have found at the 21st Century (The treasures of the earth key or key of earth) that never find out or never touch by Jiins and Human (Mankind) since earth was created. This system CAPABLE to control human (No One left) for 6 billion people even more.
No other technology in the WORLD can cover each individual for 6 billion people even more. This technology is the New Model 1WORLD Economic Development of the 21st Century DESTINY.
To make this happening I swear to God, I responsible to do this responsibility to all people in the WORLD without fail. What I wants to make this happening: I'm Asking All peoples of the WORLD to focus Right key:
KEY OF THIS CENTURY: Al-Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu Anhu. Prophet Said (peace be on him). "By God that Grips My SOUL. No longer JESUS, SON Of MARYAM Will COME DOWN to you As a FAIR JUDGE. He Will BREAK CROSSES, Kill SWINE, AND ABOLISH the TAX (Cancel The TAX) And (THEN) ABUNDANT WEALTH, So NO ONE is Willing to RECEIVE ZAKAT (The Time NO ONE Eligible To Receive Zakat) & Bow Down To One (value) Is Better than his Whole WORLD.
Again God Almighty says, ‘And there is none of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), but must believe in him ('Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), as only a Messenger of Allah and a human being), before his ('Isa (Jesus) or a Jew's or a Christian's) death (at the time of the appearance of the angel of death). And on the Day of Resurrection, he ('Isa (Jesus) will be a witness against them. (Kemudian Abu Hurairah berkata jika kamu mahu, bacalah huru-hara Kiamat, Firman Allah Taala: ‘Dan tidak ada seorang pun dari kalangan ahli Kitab (Yahudi dan Nasaro) melainkan ia akan beriman kepada Nabi Isa sebelum matinya dan pada hari kiamat kelak Nabi Isa akan menjadi saksi terhadap mereka’. (Surah 4 ‘An-Nisa: Ayat 159)
FOR YOUR INFORMATION: We don't have a Choice, this is a Technology of Awalin (Awal/Akhir) (We must ready for the coming of messiah/Son of Mary/Isa Ibnu Maryam: As a just Judge: ABOLISH the TAX (Memansuhkan cukai) . . . (*mean Everyone In the WORLD will be a Millionaire): (THE PERSONAL EARTH (It’s self) Technology End Of TheWORLD)
This technology can be transfer: Our responsible for this responsibility to transfer this technology to over the WORLD. mean Ready for it, So we work it together to make the GOLDMINE 21st Century DESTINY happening.
For your Informations: Almighty Said, 'Everything there is an appointed term and you will come to know' (QS, Surah 6 'Al-An'am: verse 67)
O' People, The Market, the System, the Economic are Dead, Cannot produce how hard you do it. It’s over, don’t waste your TIME! I give you an example maturity: Like Ourself We Born then We Die when old age, so same things with the System, the Market, the Business, the Economic, theWORLD Old Enough and Time’s Up! . . .
We must move to another Destiny to produce. We have to understand, when we plant a tree on the new fresh soil, the reality maximum result will produce! (The system of Awalin: Abolish theTAX & Everyone In The Whole WORLD will be Millionaire”)
REMEMBER: If We Not Aware, the WORLD Getting Worst . .
O' Peoples Of the WORLD khadam by the name: theWORLD, Now ARE SICK: This is not because of typhoon nargis or this is not because of burning forest or this is not because of flood happening in your country, this is not because of Global Economic Crisis not because swine flu or this is not because of typhoon ketsana and tsunami@Aceh (2004), Samoa Island, earthquake @Haiti! (2010), anyway not because of the critical illness, but It's because of us delay postpone, not aware, don’t care about the good thing comes up to us.
REMEMBER: TheWelfare (Welfare Government @Welfare System) the only Medicine for all Sickness, all the bad thing, all the bad matter, critical economic, problem, trouble & disaster. (My msg *since 2000, 2004, 2007, 2009, 1, March, October, 2011) Why Don’t We Focus It And Taking Immediate Action!!!
O'Peoples Of theWhole WORLD: You're haven't seen - What I have seen.
This technology give everything and maximum power to control the WORLD. I had found the Key and I'm the Key. Impossible for you out there to do without me, must work right way - together with the owner & the founder. You don’t know, what I know. Do not do wrong-doers to your ownselves (believe me it’s about AbolishTax Destiny: The Coming Of Messiah CalifahAllah And JESUS Son Of Mary) THIS IS THE REAL DESTINY !
Hebrew King: Hamden bolly Enn . . .
Posted by Hebrew King: Hamden bolly “To my peoples of Hebrew:
ln My Dream, l' Was told”
Reading My own Destiny from 3 pieces of pages from the book was written . . .
Paper 1 in Writting: Telling about Hebrew KING by the name: Hamden bolly
Paper 2 in Writting: Telling about what I've bring my to the peoples “the GOLDMINE or Earth key or Earth Treasure 1WORLD”
Paper 3 in Writting: Telling about I'm * leading having foods with (my peoples) many mens in many of groups in side Masjidil'Aqsa.
* My People are waiting for me to start eating foods and I'm so glad. I'm so satisfied And I'm so happy. (And I saw them in many group eating together with me)
Waallahua'lam (God Knows).
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
Our Responsibility @GOLDMINE 1WORLD Community Should Render Back the trusts to those to Whom they Due: (@18 Group Of people) Poor People, Orphan, Single Mother, Single Father, Student, Low In Come, Jobless, Disable, Patient, Old Citizen, Prisoner, Bankruptcy, FARMER, Fishermen, RICH People, All RACES, All Country And All Government In theWhole WORLD. theWORLD for free! NewWORLDPrinciple: ASSETProperty "It's NOT For SALE, It's Not For Bought, It's FREE!: *Free House *Free Car * Free Education: College, University. *Free ELETRICAL GOODs: Air Con, PC Laptops, Home Theatre. *Free FURNITURE: Sofa Set, Bed Set, Sauna Bath, Kitchen Cabinet, Dining Table. *Free Vacation: Travelling Around the WORLD, Holiday, HAJ, UMRAH, NOW EveryONE CAN Fly, Hotels. *Free Life Insurance: (Free Hospital Fund, Free Funeral Fund, Free Death Fund, Free Pension Fund).