God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness). (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Quran 30:41)
CcNEWS Site email: hamdenbolly@yahoo.co.uk
Ketua Bank Dunia Memberi Amaran Zon Bahaya Ekonomi global memasuki fasa 'baru dan lebih bahaya' kerana krisis hutang di Eropah, ia memberi amaran.
World Bank Chief Warns Of 'More Dangerous' Times
Ketua Bank Dunia Memberi Amaran Zon Bahaya
Ekonomi global memasuki fasa 'baru dan lebih bahaya' kerana krisis hutang di Eropah, ia memberi amaran.16:22, Saturday 13 August 2011
Ketua Bank Dunia, Robert Zoellick pada hari Sabtu memberi amaran masa yang "baru dan lebih bahaya" dalam ekonomi global, sebagai Eropah (Chicago Pilihan: ^ REURTRUSD - berita) perjuangan untuk menyelesaikan krisis hutang.
Zoellick berkata berdaulat isu-isu hutang zon euro adalah lebih membimbangkan berbanding masalah-masalah yang "sederhana dan jangka panjang" yang menyaksikan Amerika Syarikat diturunkan oleh minggu lepas Standard and Poor, menghantar pasa-ran global menjadi panik.
"Kami berada dalam saat-saat awal ribut yang baru dan berbeza, ia tidak sama seperti 2008," kata Zoellick, merujuk kepada krisis kewangan global.
"Dalam beberapa minggu lalu, dunia telah bergerak dari pemulihan pelbagai kelajuan yang bermasalah dengan pasaran baru muncul dan beberapa ekonomi seperti Australia yang mempunyai pertumbuhan yang baik dan pasaran maju berjuang - untuk fasa yang baru dan lebih bahaya," katanya dalam temu bual dengan akhbar Weekend Australia.
Orang itu berada dalam hutang yang kurang daripada semasa krisis kredit tetapi Zoellick berkata terdapat kurang ruang untuk manuver kali ini.
"Kebanyakan negara-negara maju telah menggunakan ruang fiskal dan dasar monetari adalah kira-kira seperti yang longgar kerana ia boleh," katanya.
Zoellick berkata struktur zon euro "boleh berubah menjadi yang paling penting" caba-ran yang sedang menghadapi ekonomi dunia, dengan harapan ada yang untuk Sepanyol dan Itali tetapi hutang melumpuhkan Greece dan Portugal tidak untuk menurunkan nilai.
Kesatuan Eropah tindakan diambil untuk jatuh singkat apa yang diperlukan, kata ketua Bank Dunia.
"Pelajaran 2008 yang kemudian anda bertindak, lebih banyak anda perlu lakukan," kata Zoellick.
Pasaran mengayunkan liar minggu ini mengenai khabar angin turun taraf kredit Perancis terhadap krisis hutang, yang bermula di Greece dan kini didorong oleh ke-bimbangan Sepanyol atau Itali mungkin lalai, mencetuskan pecah mata wang 17 negara.
Pelabur kini mempersoalkan sama ada Perancis dan Jerman, dua yang terbesar di zon euro ekonomi, boleh terus menaja jamin hutang negeri-negeri lain tanpa diri mereka kehilangan penarafan kredit atas mereka.
Di bawah tekanan untuk menenangkan pasaran gelisah, negara-negara Eropah men-desak melalui langkah-langkah yang dipersetujui di Brussels pada 21 Julai untuk menyelamatkan Greece dan mata wang euro.
Walau bagaimanapun, speaker parlimen Jerman, Norbert Lammert, memberi amaran kepada Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel hari Sabtu terhadap langkah-langkah yang tergesa-gesa melalui Bundestag, mengatakan bahawa kerumitan masing-masing menuntut lebih banyak masa.
Merkel juga menghadapi tentangan mengenai langkah-langkah untuk melanjutkan dana krisis zon euro dari dalam kerajaan campuran yang mentadbir sendiri beliau.
Lammert juga melahirkan kebimbangan bahawa pemimpin-pemimpin Eropah telah gagal untuk bersetuju mengenai sekatan mandatori terhadap negara-negara yang mismanage kewangan mereka.
Di Itali Sementara itu, Kabinet telah meluluskan 45,5-bilion euro ($ 64.8 bilion) pen-jimatan bajet jumaat yang akan melihat golongan berpendapatan tinggi dikenakan cukai lebih dan potongan yang besar kepada kerajaan tempatan.
Menteri Kewangan Giulio Tremonti meletakkan dipersalahkan kerana kesusahan Itali tegas pada kekurangan eurobonds.
"Jika kita telah eurobonds, kita tidak akan ke mana kita hari ini," katanya pada sidang akhbar Sabtu.
Suruhanjaya Eropah akan menyiarkan laporan akhir tahun ini mengenai kemungkinan mengeluarkan eurobonds - bon yang diterbitkan dan diniagakan di luar negara yang mata wang mereka dalam denominasi - dijamin oleh negara-negara zon euro.
Di Asia, benua negara-negara membangun yang diketuai oleh China yang kuasa, pen-garuh dan berat telah beralih "sangat cepat oleh standard sejarah", mengikut Zoellick, menteri-menteri ekonomi namun kekal berhati-hati.
Pada menteri Sabtu meramalkan kelembapan dalam pertumbuhan serantau di tengah-tengah krisis hutang Eropah dan potongan perbelanjaan yang dirancang di Amerika Syarikat.
Mesyuarat di Indonesia, mereka meramalkan bahawa pertumbuhan 7.5 peratus kolektif 2010 dari ekonomi Persatuan 10-negeri-Bangsa-Bangsa Asia Tenggara dapat slip di bawah enam peratus tahun ini.
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
World Bank Chief Warns Of Danger ZoneThe global economy is entering a 'new and more dangerous' phase because of Europe's debt crisis, it's warned.
World Bank Chief Warns Of Danger Zone
The global economy is entering a 'new and more dangerous' phase because of Europe's debt crisis, it's warned.World Bank Chief Warns Of 'More Dangerous' Times
16:22, Saturday 13 August 2011
World Bank chief Robert Zoellick on Saturday warned of a "new and more dangerous" time in the global economy, as Europe (Chicago Options:
Zoellick said the eurozone's sovereign debt issues were more troubling than the "medium and long-term" problems which saw the United States down-graded by Standard and Poor's last week, sending global markets into panic.
"We are in the early moments of a new and different storm, it's not the same as 2008," said Zoellick, refer-ring to the global financial crisis.
"In the past couple of weeks the world has moved from a troubled multi-speed recovery -- with emerging markets and a few economies like Australia having good growth and developed markets struggling -- to a new and more dangerous phase," he said in an interview with the Weekend Australian new-spaper.
People were in less debt than during the credit crunch but Zoellick said there was less room to manoeuvre this time round.
"Most developed countries have used up their fiscal space and monetary policy is about as loose as it can be," he said.
Zoellick said the eurozone's structure "could turn out to be the most important" challenge currently facing the world economy, with some hope for Spain and Italy but debt-crippled Greece and Portugal unable to devalue.
European Union action taken to date falls short of what is needed, the World Bank chief said.
"The lesson of 2008 is that the later you act, the more you have to do," said Zoellick.
Markets swung wildly this week on rumours of a French credit downgrade over the debt crisis, which started in Greece and is now fuelled by fears Spain or Italy might default, sparking a break-up of the 17-nation currency.
Investors are now questioning whether France and Germany, the eurozone's two largest economies, can continue to underwrite other states' debts without themselves losing their top credit ratings.
Under pressure to calm jittery markets, European nations are pushing through measures agreed in Brussels on July 21 to rescue Greece and the euro currency.
However the speaker of Germany's parliament, Norbert Lammert, warned German Chancellor Angela Merkel Saturday against rushing measures through the Bundestag, saying that their complexity demanded more time.
Merkel is also facing opposition on the measures to extend the eurozone's crisis fund from within her own governing coalition.
Lammert also expressed concern that European leaders had failed to agree on man-datory sanctions against countries that mismanage their finances.
In Italy meanwhile, the cabinet approved a 45.5-billion-euro ($64.8-billion) austerity budget Friday that would see high earners taxed more and substantial cuts to local government.
Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti laid the blame for Italy's predicament firmly on the lack of eurobonds.
"If we had had eurobonds, we would not be where we are today," he told a press con-ference Saturday.
The European Commission will publish a report later this year on the possibility of issuing eurobonds -- bonds issued and traded outside the country whose currency they are denominated in -- guaranteed by eurozone states.
In Asia, a continent of developing economies led by China to which power, influence and weight was shifting "very fast by historical standards", according to Zoellick, economic ministers nevertheless remain cautious.
On Saturday ministers predicted a slowdown in regional growth amid the European debt crisis and planned spending cuts in the United States.
Meeting in Indonesia, they predicted that 2010's 7.5 percent collective growth from the economies of the 10-state Association of Southeast Asian Nations could slip to below six percent this year.
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
P.S. -- Reminder: (since 2004-2011)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . from book of Secrets786
This Is the 8th Reminder from the earth it self by her name khadam: TheWORLD *1st Reminder 2000 *2nd Reminder 2004 *3rd Reminder 2007 *4th Reminder 2009 *5th Reminder 1/March/2011
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
To Peoples of the whole WORLD: The only solution I've have found at the 21st Century (The treasures of the earth key or key of earth) that never find out or never touch by Jiins and Human (Mankind) since earth was created.
This system CAPABLE to control human (no one left) for 6 billion people even more.
No other technology in the world can cover each individual for 6 billion people even more.
This technology is the New Model 1WORLD Economic Development of the 21st Century DESTINY. To make this happening I Swear to God, I responsible to do this responsibility to all people in the WORLD without fail.
What I wants to make this happening: I'm Asking All peoples of the WORLD to JOIN ME: @My1WORLDCommunity FOR YOUR INFORMATION:
We don't have a Choice, this is a Technology of Awalin (We must ready for the coming of messiah/Son of Mary/Isa Ibni Maryam: As a just Judge: AbolishTax-Wealth/In Assets (mean Everyone In the WORLD will be a Millionaire): (THE PERSONAL EARTH (It’s self) Technology End Of The WORLD)
This technology can be transfer: Our responsible is to transfer this technology to over the WORLD. mean Ready for it, So we work it together to make the GOLDMINE 21stCentury DESTINY happening.
For your informations:
Everything there is an appointed term and you will come to know:
The market, the system, the economic are dead, cannot produce how hard you do it. It’s over, don’t waste your TIME!
I Give You An Example Maturity:
Like Ourself We Born then We Die when old age, so same things with the System, the Market, the Business, the Economic, the World Old Enough and Time’s Up.
Conclusion: We must move to another Destiny to produce. We have to understand, when we plant a tree on the new, fresh soil, (The system of Awalin: Abolish the Tax And Everyone In The WORLD will be Millionaire”) the reality maximum result will produce!
If We Not Aware, the WORLD Getting WORST!
O' Peoples of theWORLD, khadam by the name: theWORLD, Now ARE SICK:
This is not because of typhoon nargis or this is not because of burning forest or this is not because of flood happening in your country, this is not because of Global Economic Crisis not because swine flu or this is not because of typhoon ketsana and tsunami @Aceh (2004), Samoa Island, earthquake @Haiti! (2010), anyway not because of the critical illness, but It's because of us delay (My msg *since 2004), postpone, not aware, don’t care about the good thing comes up to us.
Remember: Welfare (or the Welfare System) the only Medicine for all Sickness, all the bad thing, all the bad matter, critical economic, problem, trouble & disaster.
Why don’t we focus it and taking immediate action!
Important remark: O'Peoples of the WORLD: You’re haven’t seen - what I have seen. This technology give everything and maximum power to control the WORLD.
I had found the key And “I’am the key” Impossible for you out there to do without me, must work right way - together with the owner & the founder.
You don’t know, what I know. Do not do wrong-doers to your ownselves (believe me it’s about Abolish the Tax & The Destiny: The Coming of Messiah) THIS IS THE REAL DESTINY!
by 1WORLDCommunity 21st Century! = 786
Hebrew King: Hamden bolly. Enn. Yan. Madyan
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . from book of Secrets786
Almighty God says in the Holy Quran: And it is He Who has made you generations (khalifah/king/leader) coming after generations, replacing each other on the earth. And He has raised you in ranks, some above others that He may try you in that which He has bestowed on you. Surely your Lord is Swift in retribution, and certainly He is OftForgiving, Most Merciful. (Al'Quran Surah 6 - Al Anam: verse:165)
Almighty God says in the Holy Quran:
O Dawud (David)! Verily! We have placed you as a khalifah on earth, so judge you between men in truth (and justice) and follow not your desire for it will mislead you from the Path of Allah. Verily! Those who wander astray from the Path of Allah (shall) have a severe torment, because they forgot the Day of Reckoning. (Al'Quran Surah 38 - Sad: verse:26)
{ يا داود إنا جعلناك خليفة في الأرض } تدبر أمر الناس { فاحكم بين الناس بالحق ولا تتبع الهوى } أي هوى النفس { فيضلك عن سبيل الله } أي عن الدلائل الدالة على توحيده { إن الذين يضلون عن سبيل الله } أي عن الإيمان بالله { لهم عذاب شديد بما نسوا } بنسيانهم { يوم الحساب } المرتب عليه تركهم الإيمان، وقالوا أيقنوا بيوم الحساب لآمنوا في الدنيا .
Firman Allah Taala: Wahai Daud, sesungguhnya Kami telah menjadikanmu khalifah di bumi, maka jalankanlah hukum di antara manusia dengan (hukum syariat) yang benar (yang diwahyukan kepadamu); dan janganlah engkau menurut hawa nafsu, kerana yang demikian itu akan menyesatkanmu dari jalan Allah. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang sesat dari jalan Allah, akan beroleh azab yang berat pada hari hitungan amal, disebabkan mereka melupakan (jalan Allah) itu.
Almighty God says in the Holy Quran: They said: "We (Children of Israel) had suffered troubles before you came to us, and since you have come to us." He (moses) said: "It may be that your Lord will destroy your enemy and make you khalifah on the earth (successors/leader), so that He may see how you act?" (Al'Quran Surah 7-Al Araf : verse: 129)
{ قالوا أوذينا من قبل أن تأتينا ومن بعد ما جئتنا قال عسى ربُّكم أن يهلك عدوكم ويستخلفكم في الأرض فينظر كيف تعملون } فيها .
Firman Allah Taala: Mereka berkata: "Kami telah dianiaya dan diperhambakan (oleh Firaun) sebelum engkau datang kepada kami dan sesudah engkau datang kepada kami". Nabi Musa menjawab: "Mudah-mudahan Tuhan kamu akan membinasakan musuh kamu dan menjadikan kamu khalifah di bumi, kemudian Ia akan memerhati bagaimana pula perbuatan kamu?"
Writting In Hebrew, from book,
3piece of paper
Posted by Hebrew King: Hamden bolly “To my peoples of Hebrew: ln My Dream, l' Was told”
Reading My own Destiny from 3 pieces of pages from the book was written . . .
Paper 1 in Writting: Telling about Hebrew KING by the name: Hamden bolly
Paper 2 in Writting: Telling about what I've bring my to the peoples “the GOLDMINE or Earth key or Earth Treasure 1WORLD”
Paper 3 in Writting: Telling about I'm * leading having foods with (my peoples) many mens in many of groups in side Masjidil'Aqsa.
* My People are waiting for me to start eating foods and I'm so glad. I'm so satisfied And I'm so happy. (And I saw them in many group eating together with me)
Waallahua'lam (Only God Knows).
Hebrew King: Hamden bolly.
P.S. -- Reminder:
Declaration A Message Sent WholeWORLD
“My Original Work book of Secrets786 Was Recognized by Rasulullah Shallallahu Alayhi-waa-Sallam”
TO: Every leaders Of Umat Muhamad Shallahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam
“My Original Work book of Secrets786 Was Recognized by Rasulullah Shallallahu Alayhi-waa-Sallam”
Rasulullah Shallallahu Alayhi-waa-Sallam telah mengiktiraf Seluruh kitab karangan dan fikir usaha kerja saya.
P.S. -- Reminder: (since 2004-2011)
Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani Mimpi/Dream: lebih & kurang 10 setenggah malam hingga 5 setenggah Suboh (7Jam) Wallahualam! (Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengatahui/Only God Knows)!
Tahun Mimpi/year Dream: Oct 28, Wednesday, 2009
Setelah Rasulullah Shallallahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam memperkenalkan dirinya pada hamba, Rasulullah Shallallahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam mempersilakan hamba duduk. Setelah kami sama-sama duduk Rasulullah Shallallahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam suruh saya baca untuknya dari seluruh kitab kerja karangan hamba yang ada pada tangan hamba (book of Secret786).
Rasulullah Shallallahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam mendengar bacaan saya dengan penuh perhatian dalam masa yang panjang tanpa bertanya atau menyoal sehingga habis keseluruhan bacaan karangan kerja hamba:
Termasuk mengenai (khusus) dalam perkara-perkara seperti:
1. Hebrew KING : Hamden bolly . . . GOLDMINE . . . My1WORLDCommunity
2. 1WORLD AbolishTax & Everyone In the WORLD will be Millionaire
3. Principle: It's Not for Sale, It's Not for Bought, It's Free
4. GOLDMINE: Earth key or the Earth Treasure
5. blackflag: mean the symbol of the women In Islam
6. 1WORLD will change the WORLD system to: The system of Awalin (Awal/Akhir) *PERBENDAHARAAN GOLDMINE (1WORLD) MELEBIHI 10X PERBENDAHARAAN Sistem Cukai
7. Adakah SISTEM CUKAI Raja Segala Kezhaliman???
8. Surat kepada Bill Gates
9. Surat kepada Warren Buffett
10. Surat-surat kepada: TheWhiteHouse . .
11. Surat-surat megenai Abdullah Mazrui & King of Abu Dhabi, The Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Late President of UAE, King of Abu Dhabi The Highness Sheikh Khalifah Zayed Al Nahyan (President of UAE), King of Abu Dhabi The Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Rashid Al Nahyan (UAE) Vice President Prime Minister And Rules Dubai), King of Abu Dhabi The Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (Crown Prime of Abu Dhabi & Deputy Supreme Commander of The UAE Armed Forces)
12. Surat kepada Alulbait: His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Negara Brunei Darussalam dan surat kepada: Yang Amat Mulia Raja Tengku Dato' Sri Ashman Shah lbni Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah.
13. Send by hand Proposal 1WORLDCommunity (2003/2004) dan Surat-surat kepada kerajaan malaysia: Tun Ahmad Badawi. dan Surat kepada Tun Dr. Mahathir Muhamad Dan Surat kepada PM malaysia Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak
Dan setelah hamba habis keseluruhan bacaan hamba, berkata Rasulullah Shallallahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam kepada hamba: Dengan satu-satunya perkataan yang saya dengar dari jawapan Rasulullah Shallallahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam dengan perkataan berbunyi: “Ya Benar!”
Yang Benar (the true),
Hebrew King: Hamden bolly.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Dream: more and less than 10 semi pm to 5 semi Suboh (7hours)
And Allah knows best!
Year/Dream: Oct 28, Wednesday, 2009
After the Prophet ShallAllahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam his name on the slave, the Prophet ShallAllahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam invited to sit down. After we both sat Prophet ShallAllahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam told me to read to him from around the essays the book work is in my hands of slaves (Book of Secret786).
Messenger ShallAllahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam listening attentively in a long time without asking or questioning until the expiration of reading the entire essay work slave:
Including the (specific) in matters such as:
1. Hebrew KING: Hamden Bolly. . . GOLDMINE. . . My1WORLDCommunity
2. 1WORLD AbolishTax & Everyone In the WORLD will be Millionaire
3. Principle: It's Not for Sale, It's Not for Bought, It's Free
4. GOLDMINE: key Earth or the Earth Treasure
5. blackflag: mean the symbol of the women in Islam
6. 1WORLD WORLD will change the system to: The system of Awalin (First/Last) * TREASURY GOLDMINE (1WORLD) EXCEED 10x TREASURY Tax System
7. Is the King of All Kezhaliman TAX SYSTEM???
8. Letter to Bill Gates
9. Letter to Warren Buffett
10. Letters to: TheWhiteHouse . .
11. Letter About Abdullah Mazrui & King of Abu Dhabi, The Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Late President of the UAE, Abu Dhabi The King of Highness Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan Caliph (President of the UAE), King of Abu Dhabi's The Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Rashid Al Nahyan (UAE) Vice President And Prime Minister Rules Dubai), King of Abu Dhabi's The Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (Crown Prime of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of The UAE Armed Forces)
12. Letter to Alulbait: His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah son of Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam and letters to: His Highness the Raja Tengku Dato Sri Ashman lbni Sultan Azlan Shah Shah Muhibbuddin.
13. Send by hand for Proposals 1WORLDCommunity (2003/2004) and letters to the government Malaysia: Tun Ahmad Badawi. Letters to Dr. Mahathir Mohammed and letter to the PM Malaysia Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak
And having exhausted the entire reading of slaves, said the Prophet ShallAllahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam the servant: As the only words I heard from him answer ShallAllahu-Alayhi-waa-Sallam the words: "Yes, Its Truth"
TheTrue (yang benar),
Hebrew King: Hamden Bolly
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
RememberMyWarning TimeUP!
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
JOIN theCLUB If ‘U’ Think ‘U’ Are the 18Group Of People! The GOLDMINE 1WORLD Community Should Render Back the trusts to those to Whom they Due: (@18 Group Of people) Poor People, Orphan, Single Mother, Single Father, Student, Low In Come, Jobless, Disable, Patient, Old Citizen, Prisoner, Bankruptcy, FARMER, Fishermen, RICH People, All RACES, All Country And All Government In theWhole WORLD. theWORLD for free! NewWORLDPrinciple: ASSETProperty "It's NOT For SALE, It's Not For Bought, It's FREE!: *House *Car *@Education: College, University. *@ELETRICAL GOODs: Air Con, PC Laptops, Home Theatre. *FURNITURE: Sofa Set, Bed Set, Sauna Bath, Kitchen Cabinet, Dining Table. Vacation: Around the WORLD, Holiday, HAJ, UMRAH, NOW EveryONE CAN Fly, Hotels. *Life Insurance: (Hospital, Funeral, Death, Pension).