
God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness). (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Quran 30:41)CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
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Merkel, Sarkozy Cuba Menjinakkan Krisis Hutang.
16 Ogos 2011 - PARIS (AP) - Pemimpin-pemimpin Jerman dan Perancis sedang berbincang Selasa bagaimana untuk mendapatkan 17 negara zon euro, untuk bekerjalebih dekat bersama-sama untuk menangani krisis hutang di Eropah
sebagai keterangan lanjut muncul kelembapan ekonomi ditandakan.
Mesyuarat di Paris datang selepas seminggu kegawatan dalam pasaran kewangan, sebahagian besarnya dipersalahkan ke atas hutang kerajaan yang luas dan kebimbangan Eropah bahawa pemimpin-pemimpin Eropah tidak melakukan secukupnya untuk me-nangani mereka.
Ia juga datang sehari selepas Bank Pusat Eropah menunjukkan bahawa ia disimbah lebih banyak wang daripada yang pernah cuba untuk menenangkan pasaran.
Ia juga datang sehari selepas Bank Pusat Eropah menunjukkan bahawa ia disimbah lebih banyak wang daripada yang pernah cuba untuk menenangkan pasaran.
Tanda-tanda yang tidak menyenangkan ke atas prospek pertumbuhan di Eropah - terutama orang-orang yang ekonomi kedua-dua terbesar - mengeruhkan mesyuarat antara Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel dan Presiden Perancis Nicolas Sarkozy. Angka yang dikeluarkan Selasa menunjukkan pertumbuhan ekonomi Jerman adalah hanya 0.1 peratus pada suku kedua, Perancis mengumumkan minggu lalu bahawa ekonomi alasan untuk berhenti dalam tempoh yang sama.
Kebimbangan bahawa Itali dan Sepanyol, ekonomi ketiga dan keempat terbesar di zon euro, mungkin mendapati ia terlalu mahal untuk perkhidmatan hutang mereka men-cetuskan campur tangan dalam pasaran bon dari ECB, yang semakin melangkah sebagai duduk di Eropah minggu lepas.
Perancis dan Jerman, yang bersama-sama menyumbang hampir separuh daripada ke-luaran ekonomi zon euro., Mengambil menerajui dalam menolak untuk reformasi. Namun, spekulasi bahawa kedua-dua pemimpin akan mempertimbangkan cadangan untuk zon euro untuk mengeluarkan hutang kerajaan bersama-sama dijamin nam-paknya telah putus-putus, dengan pegawai-pegawai untuk kedua-dua pihak yang menunjukkan bahawa tidak akan dalam agenda.
Jerman kekal kukuh dalam pendiriannya bahawa negara-negara EU yang lain perlu menumpukan lebih disiplin fiskal. Perbincangan akan tertumpu pada "langkah-langkah untuk perjanjian yang lebih baik daripada dasar-dasar kewangan," kata jurucakap Merkel Steffen Seibert.
Pegawai-pegawai untuk kedua-dua Merkel dan Sarkozy berkata semalam bahawa entiti-dijamin eurobonds bersama tidak akan dalam agenda. Eurobonds akan menjadi langkah utama ke arah integrasi ekonomi blok, dan ditaksir oleh penyokong sebagai suatu penyelesaian yang semalaman krisis. Itali, Greece, Belgium dan Luxembourg di kalangan negara-negara memanggil eurobonds. Walau bagaimanapun, Jerman telah bulat-bulat terhadap ciptaan mereka, berkata EU tidak boleh mempunyai satu saiz cocok untuk semua dasar.
Penganalisis ramalan bahawa mesyuarat pada hari Selasa boleh menetapkan peringkat keputusan masa depan politik integrasi euro dan Eropah, tetapi tiada penemuan serta-merta. "Jangan mengharapkan mana-mana pengurup permainan daripada mesyuarat hari ini," kata Neil MacKinnon, makro strategis global di Modal VTB. "Hutang zon euro dan krisis perbankan masih belum sepatutnya diselesaikan, dan daya maju masa depan kewangan kesatuan adalah pilihan antara bergerak ke arah kesatuan fiskal yang sepenuhnya beroperasi atau menimbangkan kemungkinan Perpecahan dalam kesatuan monetari."
Menteri Kewangan Jerman, Wolfgang Schaeuble memberitahu majalah berita Jerman Der Spiegel yang eurobonds soalan selagi 17 negara-negara zon mata wang masih menja-lankan dasar bajet mereka sendiri.
Dengan Eropah masih merangkak untuk datang dengan langkah-langkah yang menyenangkan hati pasaran, Bank Pusat Eropah telah mengambil peranan yang lebih penting dalam menangani krisis itu, yang telah dilihat Greece, Ireland dan Portugal diselamatkan.
Ia mendedahkan bahawa ia membelanjakan € 22 bilion (AS $ 32 bilion) dalam pasaran bon. Penganalisis berpendapat sebahagian besar, jika tidak semua, wang yang telah dibelanjakan penyangga sehingga harga bon Itali dan Sepanyol, yang telah melihat roda bergigi searah kos pinjaman mereka dengan mendadak pada minggu sebelumnya.
Prospek pertumbuhan Eropah kebimbangan lain. Sehingga kini, ekonomi Jerman, yang terbesar di Eropah, telah berkembang kukuh walaupun krisis hutang kerajaan di Eropah. Ketua Dana Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF) menggesa kerajaan-kerajaan negara kaya tidak memerah belanjawan mereka setakat yang mereka menyekat pertumbuhan.
"Bagi negara maju, terdapat keperluan yang terang untuk memulihkan kemampanan fiskal melalui pelan penyatuan yang boleh dipercayai," Lagarde menulis dalam Financial Times. "Pada masa yang sama kita tahu bahawa menghempas brek terlalu cepat akan menjejaskan pemulihan dan memburukkan lagi prospek pekerjaan."
Perancis telah terperangkap dalam pasaran sila tekan sini minggu lepas, dengan pela-bur-pelabur bimbang tentang kesihatan kewangan bank-bank di negara ini khususnya dan sama ada ia akan menjadi negara seterusnya selepas Amerika Syarikat kehilangan tiga-A penarafan kredit.
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
ECB dalam $ 32 bilion Rekod Membeli Bon Pesta Minum-minum
Ogos 16, 2011 - PARIS (AP) - Ketua-ketua Jerman dan Perancis yang membin-cangkan Selasa bagaimana untuk mendapatkan negara 17 di zon euro, untuk bekerja bersama-sama menangani krisis hutang di Eropah, sehari selepas Bank Pusat Eropah menun-jukkan bahawa ia disimbah keluar lebih banyak wang daripadapernah cuba untuk me-nenangkan pasaran.
Mesyuarat antara Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel dan Presiden Perancis Nicolas Sarkozy datang selepas seminggu kegawatan dalam pasaran kewangan, sebahagian besarnya dipersalahkan atas krisis hutang kerajaan yang luas di Eropah dan kebimbangan bahawa pemimpin-pemimpin Eropah tidak melakukan secukupnya untuk menangani ia.
Kebimbangan bahawa Itali dan Sepanyol, ekonomi ketiga dan keempat terbesar di zon euro, mungkin mendapati ia terlalu mahal untuk perkhidmatan hutang mereka mence-tuskan campur tangan dalam pasaran bon dari ECB, yang semakin melangkah sebagai duduk di Eropah minggu lepas.
Perancis dan Jerman, yang bersama-sama menyumbang hampir separuh daripada keluaran ekonomi zon euro., Mengambil menerajui dalam menolak untuk reformasi. Namun, spekulasi bahawa kedua-dua pemimpin akan mempertimbangkan cadangan untuk zon euro untuk mengeluarkan hutang kerajaan bersama-sama dijamin nam-paknya telah putus-putus, dengan pegawai-pegawai untuk kedua-dua pihak yang menunjukkan bahawa tidak akan dalam agenda.
Jerman kekal kukuh dalam pendiriannya bahawa negara-negara EU yang lain perlu menumpukan lebih disiplin fiskal. Perbincangan akan tertumpu pada "langkah-langkah untuk perjanjian yang lebih baik daripada dasar-dasar kewangan," kata jurucakap Mer-kel Steffen Seibert.
Pegawai-pegawai untuk kedua-dua Merkel dan Sarkozy berkata semalam bahawa entiti-dijamin eurobonds bersama tidak akan dalam agenda. Eurobonds akan menjadi langkah utama ke arah integrasi ekonomi blok, dan ditaksir oleh penyokong sebagai suatu penyelesaian yang semalaman krisis. Itali, Greece, Belgium dan Luxembourg di kalangan negara-negara memanggil eurobonds. Walau bagaimanapun, Jerman telah bulat-bulat terhadap ciptaan mereka, berkata EU tidak boleh mempunyai satu saiz cocok untuk semua dasar.
Menteri Kewangan Wolfgang Schaeuble mengulangi pembangkang apabila beliau memberitahu majalah berita Jerman Der Spiegel yang eurobonds soalan selagi 17 negara-negara zon mata wang masih menjalankan dasar bajet mereka sendiri. Kadar faedah yang berlainan bagi negara-negara zon euro, katanya, diperlukan untuk mem-berikan "insentif dan kemungkinan sekatan untuk menguatkuasakan dasar kewangan yang solid."
Schaeuble mengakui bahawa EU perlu, dan akan daging lembu tindak balas kepada krisis untuk membantu negara-negara yang banyak terhutang budi, tetapi "tidak akan kolektipisasi hutang atau bantuan yang tidak terbatas."
Merkel telah lama dikesampingkan eurobonds, dan Ekonomi Menteri Philipp Roesler menyertai korus hari Isnin, menggambarkan hutang bersama-sama dijamin sebagai "cara yang salah" keluar daripada krisis. "Eurobonds bermakna bahawa semua orang berkongsi beban faedah yang sama yang akan menjadi hukuman bagi (kewangan) negara-negara yang kukuh," katanya dipetik sebagai berkata oleh agensi berita Jerman dapd. "Kita tidak boleh mahu ini untuk Jerman dan untuk semua negeri-negeri lain yang baik."
Perancis, sendiri, terperangkap dalam sila tekan sini minggu lepas, dengan pelabur-pelabur bimbang tentang kesihatan kewangan bank-bank di negara ini khususnya dan sama ada ia akan menjadi negara seterusnya selepas Amerika Syarikat kehilangan tiga-A penarafan kredit.
Dengan Eropah masih merangkak untuk datang dengan langkah yang menyenangkan hati pasaran, Bank Pusat Eropah telah mengambil peranan yang lebih penting dalam menangani krisis itu, yang telah dilihat Greece, Ireland dan Portugal disela-matkan.
Ia mendedahkan bahawa ia membelanjakan € 22 bilion (AS $ 32 bilion) dalam pasaran bon. Penganalisis berpendapat sebahagian besar, jika tidak semua, wang yang telah dibelanjakan penyangga sehingga harga bon Itali dan Sepanyol, yang telah melihat roda bergigi searah kos pinjaman mereka dengan mendadak pada minggu sebelumnya.
CcNEWS Site email: hamdenbolly@yahoo.co.uk
Merkel, Sarkozy to try to tame debt crisis
August 16, 2011 - PARIS (AP) - The leaders of Germany and France are discussing Tuesday how to get the eurozone's 17 countries to work closer together to address Europe's debt crisis as further evidence emerged of a marked economic slowdown.
The meeting in Paris comes after a week of turmoil in financial markets, largely blamed on Europe's sprawling government debts and worries that European leaders aren't doing enough to address them. It also comes a day after the European Central Bank revealed that it splashed out more money than ever trying to appease the markets.
Unsettling signs over Europe's growth prospects — especially those of its two biggest economies — overshadow the meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Figures released Tuesday show Germany's economic growth was just 0.1 percent in the second quarter; France announced last week that its economy ground to a halt in the same period.
Fears that Italy and Spain, the eurozone's third and fourth largest economies, may find it too expensive to service their debts triggered last week's intervention in the bond markets from the ECB, which has increasingly stepped in as Europe scrambles.
France and Germany, which together account for almost half of the eurozone's economic output, are taking the lead in pushing for reforms. But, speculation that the two leaders would consider proposals for the eurozone to issue jointly guaranteed government debt appear to have been dashed, with officials for both sides indicating that would not be on the agenda.
Germany has remained firm in its stance that other EU countries must exert more fiscal discipline. The discussions will center on "measures for better agreement of financial policies," Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert said.
Officials for both Merkel and Sarkozy said Monday that jointly guaranteed eurobonds would not be on the agenda. Eurobonds would be a major step toward the bloc's economic integration, and are billed by supporters as an overnight solution to the crisis. Italy, Greece, Belgium and Luxembourg are among the nations calling for eurobonds. However, Germany has been adamantly against their creation, saying the EU cannot have a one-size-fits-all policy.
Analysts forecast that Tuesday's meeting could set the stage for future political decisions about the euro and European integration, but no immediate breakthroughs. "Don't expect any game-changers from today's meeting," said Neil MacKinnon, global macro strategist at VTB Capital. "The eurozone debt and banking crisis has yet to be properly resolved, and the future viability of monetary union is a choice between moving towards fully fledged fiscal union or considering the possibility of a break-up in monetary union."
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told the German news magazine Der Spiegel that eurobonds were out of the question as long as the currency zone's 17 nations still run their own budget policies.
With Europe still scrambling to come up with measures that appease the markets, the European Central Bank has been taking a more central role in dealing with the crisis, that has already seen Greece, Ireland and Portugal bailed out.
It revealed Monday that it spent €22 billion ($32 billion) in the bond markets. Analysts think a large chunk, if not all, of that money was spent propping up the bond prices of Italy and Spain, which had seen their borrowing costs ratchet up sharply in the preceding weeks.
European growth prospects are another concern. Until now Germany's economy, Europe's biggest, had been growing strongly despite Europe's government debt crisis. The chief of the International Monetary Fund urged rich-country governments not to squeeze their budgets so far that they stifle growth.
"For the advanced economies, there is an unmistakable need to restore fiscal sustainability through credible consolidation plans," Lagarde wrote in the Financial Times. "At the same time we know that slamming on the brakes too quickly will hurt the recovery and worsen job prospects."
France was caught in the market crossfire last week, with investors worrying about the financial health of the country's banks in particular and whether it would be the next country after the U.S. to lose its triple-A credit rating.
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
ECB in record $32 billion bond buying spree
August 16, 2011 — PARIS (AP) — The leaders of Germany and France are discussing Tuesday how to get the eurozone's 17 countries to work together to address Europe's debt crisis, a day after the European Central Bank revealed that it splashed out more money than ever trying to appease the markets.
The meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy comes after a week of turmoil in financial markets, largely blamed on Europe's sprawling government debt crisis and worries that European leaders aren't doing enough to address it.
Fears that Italy and Spain, the eurozone's third and fourth largest economies, may find it too expensive to service their debts triggered last week's intervention in the bond markets from the ECB, which has increasingly stepped in as Europe scrambles.
France and Germany, which together account for almost half of the eurozone's economic output, are taking the lead in pushing for reforms. But, speculation that the two leaders would consider proposals for the eurozone to issue jointly guaranteed government debt appear to have been dashed, with officials for both sides indicating that would not be on the agenda.
Germany has remained firm in its stance that other EU countries must exert more fiscal discipline. The discussions will center on "measures for better agreement of financial policies," Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert said.
Officials for both Merkel and Sarkozy said Monday that jointly guaranteed eurobonds would not be on the agenda. Eurobonds would be a major step toward the bloc's economic integration, and are billed by supporters as an overnight solution to the crisis. Italy, Greece, Belgium and Luxembourg are among the nations calling for eurobonds. However, Germany has been adamantly against their creation, saying the EU cannot have a one-size-fits-all policy.
Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble reiterated his opposition when he told the German news magazine Der Spiegel that eurobonds were out of the question as long as the currency zone's 17 nations still run their own budget policies. Different interest rates for eurozone nations, he added, were needed to provide "incentives and the possibility of sanctions to enforce solid financial policy."
Schaeuble acknowledged that the EU must, and will, beef up its response to the crisis to assist the heavily indebted nations, but that "there won't be a collectivization of debt or unlimited assistance."
Merkel has long ruled out eurobonds, and Economy Minister Philipp Roesler joined the chorus Monday, describing jointly guaranteed debt as "the wrong way" out of the crisis. "Eurobonds would mean that everybody shares the same interest burden which would be a punishment for (financially) sound nations," he was quoted as saying by the German news agency dapd. "We cannot want this for Germany and for all other good states."
France, itself, was caught in the crossfire last week, with investors worrying about the financial health of the country's banks in particular and whether it would be the next country after the U.S. to lose its triple-A credit rating.
With Europe still scrambling to come up with measures that appease the markets, the European Central Bank has been taking a more central role in dealing with the crisis, that has already seen Greece, Ireland and Portugal bailed out.
It revealed Monday that it spent €22 billion ($32 billion) in the bond markets. Analysts think a large chunk, if not all, of that money was spent propping up the bond prices of Italy and Spain, which had seen their borrowing costs ratchet up sharply in the preceding weeks.
CcNEWS Site email: worlduptown@yahoo.co.uk
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